Bible Society of South Africa


A cymbal is a percussion instrument. Out of all the percussion instruments, it was chiefly the cymbals which were often used in the temple.

What Did a Cymbal Look Like?

A cymbal consisted of two bronze plates, the cymbals themselves. The hands of the musician had to slip under a cord so that they could hold the cymbals firmly. By hitting them together, a (loud) noise could be produced.
There were large cymbals which produced louder sounds, and really small cymbals, which produced softer sounds.

When were Cymbals Used?

Cymbals were always used in and around the Temple. They were played by the Levites, often in combination with other instruments, for example, at the dedication of the Temple (2 Chronicles 5:13).
These instruments were chiefly described in biblical books from the period after the Babylonian exile.

Types of Cymbals

In Hebrew, there are two words used for the cymbal: metsiltayim and tsèltselim. The precise difference is difficult to pinpoint. It is possible to recognise the sound of the instrument in the “ts” sound of these two words.

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