Bible Society of South Africa

City Gate

The city gate was the entrance to the city. The gate was part of the city wall. A large city like Jerusalem had several city gates. The city gate was the weakest part of the city wall, which is why it was usually fortified with towers.
A city gate usually consisted of several areas. In the time of the kings, there were usually two or three spaces on either side of the wall.
In front of the city gate there was often a second, outer gate.

Bend in the Gate

To get from the outer gate to the actual city gate, you usually had to make a sharp turn. This was to slow down advancing enemies if the city was attacked, so the defenders could easily target them with arrows and stones.
Most soldiers wielded their weapons in their right hand and held the shield in their left. For that reason, the gates were constructed so that the attackers would have to keep turning left, meaning the defenders could more easily target their unprotected side.

Gate Doors

The gate was shut from the inside with solid double doors with bolts or a crossbar. The doors would open outward, because that meant it was harder for attackers to open them. They were made of wood, often clad with bronze to protect them against fire.

Use of the City Gate

The purpose of the city gate was not just to defend the city, but was also a public place where people could meet. In many city gates benches have been found; these were used for people to sit on.

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