Bible Society of South Africa

Administration of Justice in the New Testament

Judea was part of the Roman Empire and so was subject to Roman jurisdiction. But there was also a Jewish, religious court which pronounced rulings on internal Jewish matters: the Sanhedrin. However, the Roman court had the greatest authority.
The two best-known people from the New Testament that had dealings with Roman laws were Jesus and Paul.

Jesus before the Judge

According to the Gospels, Jesus was first condemned by the Sanhedrin, but after that he was also sent to the Roman ruler, Pontius Pilate. It was Pilate’s decision that Jesus had to be crucified.

Paul before the Judge

Paul, too, stood trial by the Romans. Paul was a Roman citizen and so had certain rights. Thus he could not be shackled or flogged. He also had the right to be tried in the city of Rome and made use of that right. He was ultimately placed under house arrest in Rome. The Bible does not say whether Paul was subsequently condemned, but that is certainly probable.

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