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The Destruction of Israel

1How terrible it will be for you that have such an easy life in Zion and for you that feel safe in Samaria — you great leaders of this great nation Israel, you to whom the people go for help!

4How terrible it will be for you that stretch out on your luxurious couches, feasting on veal and lamb! 5You like to compose songs, as David did, and play them on harps. 6You drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest perfumes, but you do not mourn over the ruin of Israel. 7So you will be the first to go into exile. Your feasts and banquets will come to an end.

Amos 6:4-7GNBOpen in Bible reader

In Praise of God the Saviour

1Praise the LORD!

Praise the LORD, my soul!

2I will praise him as long as I live;

I will sing to my God all my life.

3Don't put your trust in human leaders;

no human being can save you.

4When they die, they return to the dust;

on that day all their plans come to an end.

5Happy are those who have the God of Jacob to help them

and who depend on the LORD their God,

6the Creator of heaven, earth, and sea,

and all that is in them.

He always keeps his promises;

7he judges in favour of the oppressed

and gives food to the hungry.

The LORD sets prisoners free

8and gives sight to the blind.

He lifts those who have fallen;

he loves his righteous people.

9He protects the strangers who live in our land;

he helps widows and orphans,

but takes the wicked to their ruin.

10The LORD is king for ever.

Your God, O Zion, will reign for all time.

Praise the LORD!

Psalms 146-146GNBOpen in Bible reader
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