Day 7: GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY – 18 February 2020

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
Itekisi yeBhayibhile
One of yesterday’s newspaper stories touched me deeply. A 2-year-old boy, JeandréVictor, collapsed at his Bloemfontein nursery 12 days ago. His heart had stopped beating.
Emergency personnel were alerted while a teacher continued to massage Jeandré’s heart. Moments later, everyone stood in horror as it seemed like all the efforts from the emergency crew trying to save Jeandré’s life were in vain.
Jeandré’s mother, Bianca, tells how a minister approached them and asked if he could pray for Jeandré. “We were all still praying together, when the ER24 staff shouted that there was a pulse.”They had to shock the little boy nine times. Jeandré was then rushed to hospital.
As Jeandré’s brain was swollen, he was kept under sedation until yesterday. The doctors initially said there would be serious brain damage, but when anMRI test was done, it showed that the damage was minimal. Jean, Jeandré’s father, told the newspaper: “I can attest that we experienced a miracle. Our child was gone and he is alive again. We are so grateful. The Lord’s hand was and is upon him and He is walking with us.”
God has the FINAL SAY in every situation. It truly does not matter how desperate a situation might seem in the natural world (our finances, health,relationships or a challenge in the workplace), God has the FINAL SAY. In Proverbs 16:1,9 we read: “We humans make plans, but the Lord has the final word. . . We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go.”
Even though at times situations might work out differently from what we hoped for, our faith requires US to believe that God sees the bigger picture. Also that He will strengthen us duringchallenging times. In 2 Corinthians 12: 9 we read: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Did God hear the prayers of the adults, but also the kindergarten kids praying for their friend? Of course He did. God is Almighty and Sovereign. Let’s put our faith and trust in Him – even in times when we don’t have all the answers. He truly has the FINAL SAY. God bless.
Father God, thank you that I can trust You in every situation. Help me to rest in You and trust that You can make everything work together for my life as well. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen