Forgiveness – Day 18

Philip, as well as Stephen who had been stoned to death, was one of the 7 men chosen to support the ministry of the apostles (Acts 6). Simon was a magician in Samaria and according to verse 13, believed and was baptised too. Magicians were influential people in their communities.
Itekisi yeBhayibhile
Serving God with the wrong motive
There are different views whether Simon had genuine saving faith when we read the whole reading. His ability as a magician did not come from God and he thought that he could buy the power of the Holy Spirit to perform even greater miracles.
There is no possibility that salvation, forgiveness of sins or the power of God can be bought! This is only possible through a contrite heart, a humbleness and willingness to confess and break with sins.
Simon’s reaction to Peter’s words was to ask Peter to pray for him.