Bible Society of South Africa


In Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus appoints 12 disciples as apostles. They are a distinct group of disciples and representatives of Jesus.

The Word Apostle

The word apostle (in Greek: apostolos) means “the one who is sent”: a messenger or representative. Outside of the Bible there is no specific profession with the title apostle. The background to the use of apostolos in the New Testament lies in the Old Testament, where some people were called messengers from God, such as Moses and the prophets.

Twelve Apostles

The three Synoptic Gospels each name the 12 apostles, sometimes with further identifying features. Those features might differ per Gospel. For instance, it may be said that Simon was called Peter, or that Jesus gave him the name Peter. Thaddaeus and Jude, the son of James, may have been two different people, but traditionally the two names are thought to be different names for one person.

Simon, whom Jesus named PeterSimon, who was called PeterSimon, whom Jesus named Peter
AndrewAndrew, the brother of SimonAndrew, the brother of Simon
James, the son of ZebedeeJames, the son of ZebedeeJames
John, the brother of JamesJohn, the brother of JamesJohn
MatthewMatthew the tax collectorMatthew
James, the son of AlphaeusJames, the son of AlphaeusJames, the son of Alphaeus
  Judas, the son of James
Simon the PatriotSimon the PatriotSimon, who was called the Patriot
Judas IscariotJudas Iscariot, who was to betray JesusJudas Iscariot, who became a traitor
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The Function of the Apostle

The apostles become the representatives of Jesus after his death. They go out into the world to spread the news of his resurrection. In the New Testament they are therefore seen as the founders of the Church, which is why believers must take care with the message and the teachings of the apostles.

Matthias, Paul and other Apostles

After Judas’ betrayal, Matthias is appointed as the 12th apostle, according to Acts 1:15-26. In the Gospels and Acts the group of apostles seems clearly defined. However, from Paul’s letters it seems that this was perhaps not initially the case. Paul calls himself an apostle as well (for example in Romans 1:1). He also speaks of others using this term (for example in 2 Corinthians 12:11-13).
In the early Christian text, the Didache (11:3-6), from around AD 100, travelling Christian prophets are still called apostles. It was not until later that the consensus arose that there were only 12 true apostles — and Paul, of course.

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