Bible Society of South Africa


Boaz is a rich farmer from Bethlehem. He marries Ruth, who comes there from Moab as a widow. Boaz and Ruth have a son named Obed, who is the grandfather of King David. 

The Name Boaz

The name Boaz means “strength is in him”, referring to him as being a rich and important man (Ruth 2:1).
Boaz is a grandson of Nahshon, a leader of the tribe of Judah (1 Chronicles 2:10). He is also distantly related to Ruth through her father-in-law, Elimelech.

Boaz and Ruth

When Ruth goes to glean corn for her mother-in-law Naomi and for herself, by chance she meets Boaz in a field. Because Boaz has heard good things about Ruth, he tells her that she can glean on his land until the whole harvest is gathered in.
One night Ruth visits Boaz while he is sleeping on the threshing floor. She asks him if he will act as a kinsman-redeemer and buy the field from Naomi, to keep the ownership of the land in the family. She also asks him if he would marry her in a Levirate marriage, a social custom by which a childless widow could raise an heir for her dead husband.

The Kinsman-Redeemer and Levirate Marriage 

Boaz is ready to do as Ruth asks provided that another family member, who has priority over him, agrees. On the following morning Boaz waits for this other man at the city gate and asks him whether he himself wants to exercise his right.
He answers that he is indeed prepared to buy the land, but cannot promise to marry Ruth. Boaz then tells the elders of the city that he himself will buy Naomi’s field and will marry Ruth.

Father of Obed

Boaz and Ruth are married and they have a son who is called Obed. Obed becomes the father of Jesse and therefore the grandfather of King David.
Boaz is listed among the ancestors of Jesus in the New Testament (Matthew 1:5; Luke 3:32).

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