Bible Society of South Africa

Daniel: Structure

Two main parts can be distinguished in the book of Daniel. The first part contains narratives, but the second part is apocalyptic and full of visions.

Daniel 1–6

Daniel 1–6 contains stories about Daniel and a few friends. They were pious Jews with high positions in the court of Nebuchadnezzar and his successors. Daniel in particular is especially wise. He demonstrates this, for example, by explaining a dream (Daniel 2) and a mysterious message (Daniel 5).
Daniel and his friends are threatened by intrigues by the other courtiers. But they are also protected by God and saved from death in a burning furnace (Daniel 3) and a den of lions (Daniel 6).

Daniel 7–12

Daniel 7–12 gives descriptions of the visions of Daniel. The visions concern the course of history.
In the first vision (Daniel 7) four animals appear. They symbolise the great kingdoms of the world of that time. There is also a reference to a very old man who takes his seat on a throne, and of someone surrounded by clouds, who “looked like a human being”.
The second vision (Daniel 8) describes the battle between a ram and a goat. The ram symbolises the Persian Empire and the goat the Greek Empire.
The third vision (Daniel 9) describes the coming of the angel Gabriel. He explains to Daniel the future of his people and Jerusalem.
The last vision (Daniel 10–12) uses mysterious language to give a survey of the historical events from the beginning of the Persian period to the time of Antiochus Epiphanes.

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