Bible Society of South Africa

2 Peter

Although the second letter from Peter is called a letter, it does not bear the hallmarks of a personal letter. The writing has much more in common with the “testament” genre. The writing is attributed to the apostle Peter. It is not known when the letter was written.


The content of the letter is marked by the traditional elements of a testament. The writer calls to mind moments of revelation from his own life and thinks about his own death. He encourages his readers, stimulating them to adhere to the faith they have received even after he has passed. In concrete terms, they need to achieve this by living pious lives, characterised above all by love.
An important theme is the delay of Christ’s return. False teachers and mockers are trying to sow discord and doubt by denying this. Believers are encouraged to stand firm and to trust in the promises for the future, the return of Christ and the dawn of a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. References to Scripture and tradition are used to underline the certainty that the just will be saved and that those who reject God and his commandments will fall.


The book is written in an elevated style; it uses a relatively large number of words that are not found elsewhere in the New Testament.


Like the first letter from Peter, 2 Peter is a circular letter, not intended for one single community but for all Christians. In addition, the writing is also to be read as an apostolic testament, a genre in which such elements occur as the death of a leader, division in the church and a reminder of the importance of Scripture and tradition.

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