Bible Society of South Africa

1 Peter

The first letter from Peter is one of the so-called general or catholic letters, not addressed to a particular person or community, but a circular letter with as many Christians as possible in mind. The letter is attributed to the apostle Peter. It is not known when the letter was written.


The aim of the letter is to encourage Christians to remain steadfast in their faith. For many Christians, opting for a new religion meant a break with groups or associations that one was previously a member of, and often even with one’s own family. Moreover, Christians refused to worship the gods that guaranteed the welfare of society, which was regarded as treachery against society.
The Christians to whom the letter is addressed had to deal with all this. They were viewed as criminals, and abused. The central theme of the letter is therefore suffering and the question of how to cope with it. The readers are called upon to witness to their faith, in word and deed, in a hostile environment. As a result there may be no end to their suffering, but it can be seen as a reflection of the righteousness exemplified by Jesus. The final goal is salvation at the end of time, which Christians expect in the near future.


The Greek of this text is elegant, using expressions of good style. It uses a large number of words that are not found elsewhere in the New Testament.

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