Silence: Silence is also an answer - 25 October 2024

By Charlea Grey
Bible text(s)
1 John 5
It is only human to want things to go your way. And I will be honest, I can get quite frustrated when things do not go as I would like. Why can’t everything just go the way I want?
Especially when we pray and ask God for certain things, we naturally want our prayers answered the way we envision.
We know God listens – it is written in the Bible and there are so many testimonies of people whose prayers have been answered. But yes, sometimes we do not get immediate responses. Sometimes, there is something that feels like a deafening silence. This is when things can get challenging.
It can be hard to believe that God hears us when the things we ask for do not happen the way we want.
However, we need to remember, as 1 John 5:14-15 says, that God listens. He always listens and he knows what we need. And yes, sometimes the answer is silence. Silence for now, silence for a while until it is the right time, until it is the right thing. God knows best. He knows what we truly need. Sometimes, we have to accept that silence is also an answer.
Prayer: Lord, help me to remember that you hear my prayers, even when I do not receive the answer I hoped for or the thing I asked for. Help me to trust that you know what I need and that you will provide for me at the right time – your time. Amen