Bible Society of South Africa

Our eternal home - 29 August 2024

By Xanthe Hancox

Bible text(s)

Revelation 21

2And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared and ready, like a bride dressed to meet her husband. 3I heard a loud voice speaking from the throne: “Now God's home is with human beings! He will live with them, and they shall be his people. God himself will be with them, and he will be their God.

Revelation 21:2-3GNBOpen in Bible reader

These verses offer a powerful glimpse into the ultimate place God has prepared for his people: the new Jerusalem. This is not just a physical city but a representation of the perfect union between God and his people – a place where we will dwell with him for eternity. The imagery of the city as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband captures the idea of purity, love, and the intimate relationship between God and his people.

The announcement from the throne, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people,” is the fulfilment of a promise that has echoed throughout Scripture. From the Garden of Eden, where God walked with Adam and Eve, to the tabernacle and temple where his presence dwelt among the Israelites, God has always desired to be with his people. In the new Jerusalem, this desire is fully realised as God makes his permanent home with us.

This vision is a reminder that the ultimate “place” we are journeying towards is not just a destination but a relationship. It’s about being in the presence of God, fully known and fully loved, without the barriers of sin and death. The new Jerusalem represents the complete restoration of everything lost in the fall, where God’s people live in perfect harmony with him.

As we live in a world filled with brokenness and uncertainty, these verses offer profound hope. No matter what we face now, there is a future where God himself will be with us, wiping away every tear and making everything new. This is the place where all our longings for peace, justice, and love will be fulfilled in the presence of our Creator.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the promise of the new Jerusalem, where we will dwell with you forever. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on this hope, knowing that you are preparing a place where all things will be made new. Give me the strength to live each day with the assurance of your presence, and help me to share this hope with others. May I look forward to the day when I will be with you, face to face, in your eternal home. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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