Bible Society of South Africa

A new way through - 28 August 2024

By Xanthe Hancox

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 43

19Watch for the new thing I am going to do.

It is happening already — you can see it now!

I will make a road through the wilderness

and give you streams of water there.

Isaiah 43:19GNBOpen in Bible reader

The prophet Isaiah spoke these words to the Israelites during their exile – a time when they were physically displaced, far from their homeland, and surrounded by uncertainty. They were in a desolate place, both geographically and spiritually. Yet, even in this challenging environment, God promised to do something new, creating paths in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. This was not just a promise of physical renewal but also of spiritual and emotional restoration.

This verse beautifully captures the idea that God is at work in every place we find ourselves – whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. The wilderness and wasteland represent those times in our lives when we feel lost, isolated, or spiritually dry. These are the places where hope seems distant and the way forward unclear. Yet, it is precisely in these challenging places that God promises to act.

God’s declaration, “I am doing a new thing!” is a reminder that no place is too desolate for his presence. He is always working, even when we cannot see it, to bring about something fresh and life-giving. The “new thing” he promises may come in the form of a renewed sense of purpose, healing in a broken relationship, or a deeper spiritual connection with him. Whether we are in a place of physical struggle, emotional pain, or spiritual dryness, God can transform that place into one of growth and renewal.

This concept challenges us to expand our understanding of “place” beyond just the physical. It invites us to consider where we are emotionally and spiritually as well. In these places, too, God is creating new paths. He is making a way through our emotional wildernesses and bringing streams of living water to our spiritual wastelands.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your promise to make a way in every wilderness and streams in every wasteland of my life. Whether I find myself in a difficult physical place, an emotional struggle, or a dry spiritual season, help me to trust in your ability to bring renewal. Open my eyes to perceive the new things you are doing and give me the courage to follow the paths you are creating. May your presence transform every place I find myself, bringing life and hope. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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