Man and his body - 27 July 2023

By Mims Turley

Bible text(s)

Psalms 139

13You created every part of me;

you put me together in my mother's womb.

14I praise you because you are to be feared;

all you do is strange and wonderful.

I know it with all my heart.

Psalms 139:13-14GNBOpen in Bible reader

We live in a time where the human body is glorified. Many advertisements create the idea that, for example, only skinny people are beautiful, or that you should do something about your big ears or the wrinkles that come with age. The media goes to great lengths to advertise products to us, to convince us to meet all of these standards.

There is nothing wrong with taking good care of your body, after all it is God’s temple and his Spirit lives in you. (1 Corinthians 3:16) Our verse for today tells us that the psalmist already realised, centuries ago, how miraculous our bodies are. Modern science understands the body better than it did in King David’s time, however no one fully understands something like the brain – even neurologists will tell you that. Isn’t that incredible.

Our bodies are essential to our time here on earth. In Proverbs 23:20, we read that we should not expose our bodies to too much alcohol or food – or anything else that can harm your body. Otherwise, you will face the consequences. We must take care of our bodies and use it to the glory of God. Paul writes in Romans 12:1: “So then, my brothers and sisters, because of God’s great mercy to us I appeal to you: offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.”

However, these bodies that are “awesomely, miraculously made” are not forever – they will die and perish. In James 4:14, we read: “You don’t even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment and then disappears.” And in Ecclesiastes 3:20: “They are both going to the same place — the dust. They both came from it; they will both go back to it.”

How wonderful to know that death is not the end! We confess that Jesus will come again. In 1 Corinthians 15:52-53, we read more about what will happen to our bodies on that day: “… but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye. For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die.”

We do not know what our imperishable bodies will look like. We do know that we will get an immortal, glorified body on that day when Jesus comes again. This is something to look forward to!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for our wonderful bodies that you have made. Help us to look forward to the day when Jesus comes again and we will receive immortal bodies. Amen

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