Do you acknowledge Him in all your ways? – 23 February 2023

By Benescke Janse van Rensburg
Bible text(s)
Proverbs 3
Over the past weekend, the 65-year-old German golf legend, Bernhard Langer equaled Hale Irwin’s record of 45 tournament victories when he won the American golf series for senior players at the Chubb Classic in Naples, Florida.
During his speech after the win, Langer took a piece of paper from his pocket and said that the words on it carried him through the day. To everyone’s surprise, he read from Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (NIV)
These words seemed to have carried Langer throughout his life. When doctors advised his mother to abort Langer due to complications in her pregnancy, she decided against it. When doctors gave up hope when he experienced a very high fever as a young boy, God saved Langer’s life miraculously. Today, Langer, who is a self-taught golf player, is considered one of the greatest golfers of all time.
The promise in Proverbs 3:5-6 is still true for each of us. In what area of your life do you need wisdom? Your marriage? Your career? Your relationships? Your family? Your children? Remember, if we acknowledge God in every decision we make, he will direct our steps. God bless.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for your goodness and ability to guide me through every situation. Today I ask that you will guide me with (name the area). I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen