The Question is: Where are you? – 1 July 2022

Deur Louise Gevers

Bible text(s)

Genesis 3

9But the LORD God called out to the man, “Where are you?”

Genesis 3:9GNBOpen in Bible reader

“Hide and seek” is great fun to play because it has tense moments when the seeker is closing in on your hiding place, then delight and relief when you’re finally found.

Perhaps that’s how the first man and his wife felt when they were hiding away from God and heard Him say, “Where are you?” But God was not playing a game. He knew already where they were and what they’d done, but it was in his nature to go looking for the people He had created; to connect with them, even in their fallen state.

The question that God poses to Adam is one that we commonly use ourselves when we’re trying to find someone to supply answers, or for conversation. Significantly, it doesn’t only address the person’s physical location, but also refers to their state of well-being, as can be seen in Adam’s situation. When he hears God calling, his instinct to physically hide himself away reveals his very uncomfortable state of being as he looks for his own space, and tries to shut God out.

Can we identify with Adam’s dilemna?

We share the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God which cost them their close fellowship with Him, and their dignity. We know that we’re all naked before God and what obedience would have spared us. So we identify with Adam’s experience – with his feelings of guilt – and our sense of well-being is also upset, when, instead of running to God, we try to avoid his presence. Yet He still calls, “Where are you?” and shows that He cares.

The first Verse-a-day prayer this year, about New Beginnings, was: “Gracious God, open my eyes to see and embrace the new thing You are doing in our time. Refresh the wilderness of my heart by Your life-giving Spirit that I may live joyfully in step with You each new day.” Do we consistently run to Him when we feel overwhelmed and need undergirding in these challenging times, or do we hide, forgetting He cares?

We need His fellowship.

When we are open to walking with God, He provides us with wisdom and the strength to persevere. He hears our call to Him and has promised: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the LORD, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations …” (Jeremiah 29:13,14)

Where are we, half-way through this year?

Prayer: Gracious Father, thank you for your faithful love and for calling us out of hiding into your glorious light. Amen

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