Inherit the kingdom – 28 September 2022

By Ben Fourie
Bible text(s)
Matthew 25
We have probably all, at some stage, been dreaming of a distant relative who has suddenly died and left us a huge inheritance. Such an inheritance will make that dream about an overseas holiday possible, or a week or two on an island where you can lie on your back in the beautiful blue waters of the ocean. In our verse today, Jesus talks about an inheritance that is much bigger and infinitely more precious than all the wealth on earth put together – “take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world”.
Normally, one receives an inheritance from a family member or very good friend. It is usually only in stories that one hears about someone who received an inheritance from a total stranger. You have to “qualify” to inherit, usually by being family or a very close friend of the deceased. In Matthew 25:31-40, Jesus gave the necessary “qualification” to inherit the kingdom of God and it is not difficult to qualify.
The most important qualification is to be part of God’s family, to be known to the King, to be one of those “on his right”. The Father hands you your qualification himself. He calls us to be one of the blessed. To be one of those who are blessed, is to receive a very special place in the kingdom. We all know what it means to “be blessed”, but do we know that it carries a responsibility. From Matthew 25:35 onwards, Jesus gives us an overview of a blessed person. Such a person is overflowing with love for his fellow men on all terrains of life, no matter who they are.
Normally, an inheritance cannot be earned. It is always the one who makes the will, who has the sole right to name the heirs. Sometimes, the contents of a will is kept secret until it is formally made public to all concerned. We can also never earn our heavenly inheritance. We only receive it by the grace of God. Right from the beginning, all heirs are revealed in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Our inheritance is the kingdom of God, eternal life. Just read the will itself, it is all written there.
Prayer: Father, how can we ever thank you enough for our wonderful inheritance? Please help us to be merciful towards those who are hungry, thirsty and without proper clothing. Above all, help us to bring your message of salvation to all. Open our eyes to where there is great need. Amen