God sees you … in emergencies – 3 November 2021

Deur Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Bible text(s)

2 Chronicles 16

9The LORD keeps close watch over the whole world, to give strength to those whose hearts are loyal to him. You have acted foolishly, and so from now on you will always be at war.”

2 Chronicles 16:9GNBOpen in Bible reader

Matthew 21

22If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Matthew 21:22GNBOpen in Bible reader

An ordinary morning in September turned into a nightmare for Alicia Lamprecht from Cape Town when her vehicle was hijacked with her 7-month-old son, Henco, in his car seat.

Alicia and a friend stood outside her vehicle around 10:00 that morning when the friend’s puppy ran out of the gate. Both tried to stop the dog to not end in the street. Suddenly, Alicia’s vehicle left with screaming tires. A hijacker had jumped in and when no one saw it.

“It’s hard to try to explain the moment of shock,” Alicia says as she recalls that moment when she realized that he left with her son. All she could do was run after the vehicle to see in which direction they were driving. Her friend ran into the house to notify the armed response unit, the police as well as the neighborhood watch.

The armed response unit arrived first. Alicia, who meanwhile realized that she could track her vehicle on her phone due to the tracker in her car, jumped into the car with the armed response and they started to follow her car. “When the signal stopped, we had hope,” says Alicia. “We rushed to get to the car.” However, they found an abandoned vehicle in the field – without her child. “I wanted to collapse in shock while screaming, ‘Jesus help!’” At that moment, Alicia turned to the armed response man with a question, “Do you believe in God?” When he answered, “Yes,” she took his hands and said: “Then we better pray that God will help us find my child.” They did.

Alicia called her mother who is involved in a congregation to activate her prayer teams to pray for her child. She did the same with her mother-in-law and a friend in full time ministry. Soon people across the country started praying for Henco’s protection and that his parents would find him.

Three hours later, while Alicia and a team on one side and her husband, Coenie and a team on the other side did everything they could to find their child, Alicia received the call from Coenie: “Honey, I have him. He is ok.” Everyone was in tears. The relief was great. An absolute miracle had happened.

In the Sunday newspaper a few days after this traumatic event, Emelda, the woman who found little Henco, told her side of the story. She stays in an area known for gang violence and other dark things. She was on her way to the store to buy bread when the hijacker stopped next to her, pushed the baby in the car seat in her hands with the words: “Look after the child” before driving off. Emelda then said: “If the baby ended up in the wrong hands in this area. . . It could have ended very bad. . . The Lord guided me that day to find the baby!”

In 2 Chronicles 16:9 we read: “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” Also in Matthew 21:22 we read: “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

God hears our prayers prayed in faith. Was it He who commanded His angels to protect little Henco? Was it He who led the hijacker to drop off Henco at the place He already positioned someone who knew Him to look after the child? God bless.

Prayer: Father God, thank you that You never sleep nor slumber and that You hear our prayers. Please protect my children and loved ones today. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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