To The Word – Day 140

1 Chronicles 16–20, Psalm 29

Bible text(s)

1 Chronicles 16

1They took the Covenant Box to the tent which David had prepared for it and put it inside. Then they offered sacrifices and fellowship offerings to God. 2After David had finished offering the sacrifices, he blessed the people in the name of the LORD 3and distributed food to them all. He gave each man and woman in Israel a loaf of bread, a piece of roasted meat, and some raisins.

4David appointed some of the Levites to lead the worship of the LORD, the God of Israel, in front of the Covenant Box, by singing and praising him. 5Asaph was appointed leader, with Zechariah as his assistant. Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed Edom, and Jeiel were to play harps. Asaph was to sound the cymbals, 6and two priests, Benaiah and Jahaziel, were to blow trumpets regularly in front of the Covenant Box. 7It was then that David first gave Asaph and his fellow-Levites the responsibility for singing praises to the LORD.

A Song of Praise

(Ps 105.1–15; 96.1–13; 106.1, 47–48)

8Give thanks to the LORD, proclaim his greatness;

tell the nations what he has done.

9Sing praise to the LORD;

tell the wonderful things he has done.

10Be glad that we belong to him;

let all who worship him rejoice!

11Go to the LORD for help,

and worship him continually.

12-13You descendants of Jacob, God's servant,

descendants of Israel, whom God chose,

remember the miracles that God performed

and the judgements that he gave.

14The LORD is our God;

his commands are for all the world.

15Never forget God's covenant,

which he made to last for ever,

16the covenant he made with Abraham,

the promise he made to Isaac.

17The LORD made a covenant with Jacob,

one that will last for ever.

18“I will give you the land of Canaan,” he said.

“It will be your own possession.”

19God's people were few in number,

strangers in the land of Canaan.

20They wandered from country to country,

from one kingdom to another.

21But God let no one oppress them;

to protect them, he warned the kings:

22“Don't harm my chosen servants;

do not touch my prophets.”

23Sing to the LORD, all the world!

Proclaim every day the good news that he has saved us.

24Proclaim his glory to the nations,

his mighty deeds to all peoples.

25The LORD is great and is to be highly praised;

he is to be honoured more than all the gods.

26The gods of all other nations are only idols,

but the LORD created the heavens.

27Glory and majesty surround him,

power and joy fill his Temple.

28Praise the LORD, all people on earth,

praise his glory and might.

29Praise the LORD's glorious name;

bring an offering and come into his Temple.

Bow down before the Holy One when he appears;

30tremble before him, all the earth!

The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved.

31Be glad, earth and sky!

Tell the nations that the LORD is king.

32Roar, sea, and every creature in you;

be glad, fields, and everything in you!

33The trees in the woods will shout for joy

when the LORD comes to rule the earth.

34Give thanks to the LORD, because he is good;

his love is eternal.

35Say to him, “Save us, O God our Saviour;

gather us together; rescue us from the nations,

so that we may be thankful

and praise your holy name.”

36Praise the LORD, the God of Israel!

Praise him now and for ever!

Then all the people said, “Amen”, and praised the LORD.

Worship at Jerusalem and Gibeon

37King David put Asaph and his fellow-Levites in permanent charge of the worship that was held at the place where the Covenant Box was kept. They were to perform their duties there day by day. 38Obed Edom son of Jeduthun and 68 men of his clan were to assist them. Hosah and Obed Edom were in charge of guarding the gates.

39Zadok the priest and his fellow-priests, however, were in charge of the worship of the LORD at the place of worship in Gibeon. 40Every morning and evening they were to burn sacrifices whole on the altar in accordance with what was written in the Law which the LORD gave to Israel. 41There with them were Heman and Jeduthun and the others who were specifically chosen to sing praises to the LORD for his eternal love. 42Heman and Jeduthun also had charge of the trumpets and cymbals and the other instruments which were played when the songs of praise were sung. The members of Jeduthun's clan were in charge of guarding the gates.

43Then everyone went home, and David went home to spend some time with his family.

1 Chronicles 16GNBOpen in Bible reader

1 Chronicles 17

Nathan's Message to David

(2 Sam 7.1–17)

1King David was now living in his palace. One day he sent for the prophet Nathan and said to him, “Here I am living in a house built of cedar, but the LORD's Covenant Box is kept in a tent!”

2Nathan answered, “Do whatever you have in mind, because God is with you.”

3But that night God said to Nathan, 4“Go and tell my servant David that I say to him, ‘You are not the one to build a temple for me to live in. 5From the time I rescued the people of Israel from Egypt until now, I have never lived in a temple; I have always lived in tents and moved from place to place. 6In all my travelling with the people of Israel I never asked any of the leaders that I appointed why they had not built me a temple made of cedar.’

7“So tell my servant David that I, the LORD Almighty, say to him, ‘I took you from looking after sheep in the fields and made you the ruler of my people Israel. 8I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have defeated all your enemies as you advanced. I will make you as famous as the greatest leaders in the world. 9-10I have chosen a place for my people Israel and have settled them there, where they will live without being oppressed any more. Ever since they entered this land they have been attacked by violent people, but this will not happen again. I promise to defeat all your enemies and to give you descendants. 11When you die and are buried with your ancestors, I will make one of your sons king and will keep his kingdom strong. 12He will be the one to build a temple for me, and I will make sure that his dynasty continues for ever. 13I will be his father and he will be my son. I will not withdraw my support from him as I did from Saul, whom I removed so that you could be king. 14I will put him in charge of my people and my kingdom for ever. His dynasty will never end.’ ”

15Nathan told David everything that God had revealed to him.

David's Prayer of Thanksgiving

(2 Sam 7.18–29)

16Then King David went into the Tent of the LORD's presence, sat down, and prayed, “I am not worthy of what you have already done for me, LORD God, nor is my family. 17Yet now you are doing even more; you have made promises about my descendants in the years to come, and you, LORD God, are already treating me like a great man. 18What more can I say to you! You know me well, and yet you honour me, your servant. 19It was your will and purpose to do this for me and to show me my future greatness. 20LORD, there is none like you; we have always known that you alone are God. 21There is no other nation on earth like Israel, whom you rescued from slavery to make them your own people. The great and wonderful things you did for them spread your fame throughout the world. You rescued your people from Egypt and drove out other nations as your people advanced. 22You have made Israel your own people for ever, and you, LORD, have become their God.

23“And now, O LORD, fulfil for all time the promise you made about me and my descendants, and do what you said you would. 24Your fame will be great, and people will for ever say, ‘The LORD Almighty is God over Israel.’ And you will preserve my dynasty for all time. 25I have the courage to pray this prayer to you, my God, because you have revealed all this to me, your servant, and have told me that you will make my descendants kings. 26You, LORD, are God, and you have made this wonderful promise to me. 27I ask you to bless my descendants so that they will continue to enjoy your favour. You, LORD, have blessed them, and your blessing will rest on them for ever.”

1 Chronicles 17GNBOpen in Bible reader

1 Chronicles 18

David's Military Victories

(2 Sam 8.1–18)

1Some time later King David attacked the Philistines again and defeated them. He took out of their control the city of Gath and its surrounding villages. 2He also defeated the Moabites, who became his subjects and paid taxes to him.

3Next, David attacked King Hadadezer of the Syrian state of Zobah, near the territory of Hamath, because Hadadezer was trying to gain control of the territory by the upper Euphrates. 4David captured a thousand of his chariots, 7,000 horsemen, and 20,000 foot soldiers. He kept enough horses for a hundred chariots and crippled all the rest.

5When the Syrians of Damascus sent an army to help King Hadadezer, David attacked it and killed 22,000 men. 6Then he set up military camps in their territory, and they became his subjects and paid taxes to him. The LORD made David victorious everywhere. 7David captured the gold shields carried by Hadadezer's officials and took them to Jerusalem. 8He also took a great quantity of bronze from Tibhath and Kun, cities ruled by Hadadezer. (Solomon later used this bronze to make the tank, the columns, and the bronze utensils for the Temple.)

9King Toi of Hamath heard that David had defeated Hadadezer's entire army. 10So he sent his son Joram to greet King David and congratulate him for his victory over Hadadezer, against whom Toi had fought many times. Joram brought David presents made of gold, silver, and bronze. 11King David dedicated them for use in worship, along with the silver and gold he took from the nations he conquered — Edom, Moab, Ammon, Philistia, and Amalek.

12Abishai, whose mother was Zeruiah, defeated the Edomites in the Valley of Salt and killed 18,000 of them. 13He set up military camps throughout Edom, and the people there became King David's subjects. The LORD made David victorious everywhere.

14David ruled over all Israel and made sure that his people were always treated fairly and justly. 15Abishai's brother Joab was commander of the army; Jehoshaphat son of Ahilud was in charge of the records; 16Zadok son of Ahitub and Ahimelech son of Abiathar were priests; Seraiah was court secretary; 17Benaiah son of Jehoiada was in charge of David's bodyguard; and King David's sons held high positions in his service.

1 Chronicles 18GNBOpen in Bible reader

1 Chronicles 19

David Defeats the Ammonites and the Syrians

(2 Sam 10.1–19)

1Some time later King Nahash of Ammon died, and his son Hanun became king. 2King David said, “I must show loyal friendship to Hanun, as his father Nahash did to me.” So David sent messengers to express his sympathy.

When they arrived in Ammon and called on King Hanun, 3the Ammonite leaders said to the king, “Do you think that it is in your father's honour that David has sent these men to express sympathy to you? Of course not! He has sent them here as spies to explore the land, so that he can conquer it!”

4Hanun seized David's messengers, shaved off their beards, cut off their clothes at the hips, and sent them away. 5They were too ashamed to return home. When David heard what had happened, he sent word for them to stay in Jericho and not return until their beards had grown again.

6King Hanun and the Ammonites realized that they had made David their enemy, so they paid 34 tonnes of silver to hire chariots and charioteers from Upper Mesopotamia and from the Syrian states of Maacah and Zobah. 7The 32,000 chariots they hired and the army of the king of Maacah came and camped near Medeba. The Ammonites too came out from all their cities and got ready to fight.

8When David heard what was happening, he sent out Joab and the whole army. 9The Ammonites marched out and took up their position at the entrance to Rabbah, their capital city, and the kings who had come to help took up their position in the open countryside.

10Joab saw that the enemy troops would attack him in front and from the rear, so he chose the best of Israel's soldiers and put them in position facing the Syrians. 11He placed the rest of his troops under the command of his brother Abishai, who put them in position facing the Ammonites. 12Joab said to him, “If you see that the Syrians are defeating me, come and help me, and if the Ammonites are defeating you, I will go and help you. 13Be strong and courageous! Let's fight hard for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD's will be done.”

14Joab and his men advanced to attack, and the Syrians fled. 15When the Ammonites saw the Syrians running away, they fled from Abishai and retreated into the city. Then Joab went back to Jerusalem.

16The Syrians realized that they had been defeated by the Israelites, so they brought troops from the Syrian states on the east side of the River Euphrates and placed them under the command of Shobach, commander of the army of King Hadadezer of Zobah. 17When David heard of it, he gathered the Israelite troops, crossed the Jordan, and put them in position facing the Syrians. The fighting began, 18and the Israelites drove the Syrian army back. David and his men killed 7,000 Syrian chariot drivers and 40,000 foot soldiers. They also killed the Syrian commander, Shobach. 19When the kings who were subject to Hadadezer realized that they had been defeated by Israel, they made peace with David and became his subjects. The Syrians were never again willing to help the Ammonites.

1 Chronicles 19GNBOpen in Bible reader

1 Chronicles 20

David Captures Rabbah

(2 Sam 12.26–31)

1The following spring, at the time of the year when kings usually go to war, Joab led out the army and invaded the land of Ammon; King David, however, stayed in Jerusalem. They besieged the city of Rabbah, attacked it, and destroyed it. 2The Ammonite idol Molech had a gold crown which weighed about 34 kilogrammes. In it there was a jewel, which David took and put in his own crown. He also took a large amount of loot from the city. 3He took the people of the city and put them to work with saws, iron hoes, and axes. He did the same to the people of all the other towns of Ammon. Then he and his men returned to Jerusalem.

Battles against Philistine Giants

(2 Sam 21.15–22)

4Later on, war broke out again with the Philistines at Gezer. This was when Sibbecai from Hushah killed a giant named Sippai, and the Philistines were defeated.

5There was another battle with the Philistines, and Elhanan son of Jair killed Lahmi, the brother of Goliath from Gath, whose spear had a shaft as thick as the bar on a weaver's loom.

6Another battle took place at Gath, where there was a giant with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. He was a descendant of the ancient giants. 7He defied the Israelites, and Jonathan, the son of David's brother Shammah, killed him.

8These three, who were killed by David and his men, were descendants of the giants at Gath.

1 Chronicles 20GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 29

The Voice of the LORD in the Storm

1Praise the LORD, you heavenly beings;

praise his glory and power.

2Praise the LORD's glorious name;

bow down before the Holy One when he appears.

3The voice of the LORD is heard on the seas;

the glorious God thunders,

and his voice echoes over the ocean.

4The voice of the LORD is heard

in all its might and majesty.

5The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars,

even the cedars of Lebanon.

6He makes the mountains of Lebanon jump like calves

and makes Mount Hermon leap like a young bull.

7The voice of the LORD makes the lightning flash.

8His voice makes the desert shake;

he shakes the desert of Kadesh.

9The LORD's voice shakes the oaks

and strips the leaves from the trees

while everyone in his Temple shouts, “Glory to God!”

10The LORD rules over the deep waters;

he rules as king for ever.

11The LORD gives strength to his people

and blesses them with peace.

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