Roadmap for Life – Day 8
- Sex a touchy subject
- Mind the pitfalls
- Pornography – a deadly virus
- Be “drug and drink” smart
- Drunk is not cool
Bible text(s)
Song of Songs 4
Song of Songs 5
The Woman
1 Corinthians 6
1 Corinthians 10
1 Corinthians 6
1 Corinthians 6
2 Corinthians 7
Proverbs 20
Proverbs 23
The Eighteenth Saying
– Sex a touchy subject
Sex is on the collective minds of most people. There is very little that deters us from engaging in sex, whether it is in a stable, long-term relationship or with a succession of partners. As a Christian, you need to be very clear on where you stand in this regard.
The Bible gives definite guidelines about promiscuity. Yet the Bible is very open about the physical attraction between two people in love. Make a point of reading the Song of Songs, a whole book of poetry in praise of love.
However, as with all good things in life, there is a condition attached.
– Mind the pitfalls
There is no reason for any sensible person with a reasonable amount of common sense to dread life. But be aware of things that can rob you of your joy and innocence.
– Pornography – a deadly virus
Pornography is as old as mankind itself but with modern communication media it has spread to the point where nothing is sacred and even the most innocent among us are tainted. The Bible doesn’t spare its words in condemning sexual immorality:
– Be “drug and drink” smart
There is no such thing as smart drugs or liquor, despite what TV ads tell you. They make fools of even the smartest people. Yet drinking and taking drugs seem to be part and parcel of today’s social scene.
Acknowledge that there might be people in your circle of friends, co-workers or even family who drink or take drugs. Accept that they have made their choice and you’ve made yours. Choose to surround yourself with people that can have fun without using drugs and alcohol to get high.
– Drunk is not cool
The Bible often speaks about the effects of alcohol abuse which apply equally to drug abuse. The author of Proverbs warns that.