Roadmap for Life – Day 7
Life is WOW!
Life is short so make the most of it by creating memories that you will be able to revisit without regrets later on. Avoid the prodigal son scenario. Anxious to get away from home he enters into a new kind of bondage and seriously messes up.
Bible text(s)
Luke 15
The Lost Son
Ecclesiastes 11
Advice to Young People
Colossians 3
Ephesians 5
Living in the Light
Ephesians 5
Philippians 4
Matthew 5
1 John 3
Galatians 6
1 John 3
Courage before God
Song of Songs 8
Song of Songs 2
The Man
The Woman
Proverbs 30
– Love is WOW!
We love to believe that love is what makes the world go around. True love is wonderful, overwhelming and way out there! In The Song of Songs we read:
And who will ever understand the language of two lovers hopelessly in love with each other:
Even the wise old author of Proverbs with all his wisdom could not fathom the mystery of love:
– Be a WOW Christian
That means bringing what you do and say in line with what you believe. If we become like Christ, the values we believe in is more than just a list of do’s and don’ts. It’s being like Christ in all we do.
– Know where to draw the line
Peer pressure often creeps in when you’re amongst people of your own age group or when you’re in new surroundings and desperately want to fit in. A regular reality check about who you are and what you stand for will help to keep you on track. Remember the old saying: “If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything.”
– Be a do-gooder
Make your faith real by being an active believer. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or get involved with a community project. You can be a shining light to your friends on campus or at work by the way you care.