Bible Reading Plan – Day 2

Bible text(s)

Genesis 4

The Descendants of Cain

17Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Then Cain built a city and named it after his son.

Genesis 5

The Descendants of Adam

(1 Chr 1.1–4)

1This is the list of the descendants of Adam. (When God created human beings, he made them like himself. 2He created them male and female, blessed them, and named them “Humanity”.) 3When Adam was 130 years old, he had a son who was like him, and he named him Seth. 4After that, Adam lived another 800 years. He had other children 5and died at the age of 930.

6When Seth was 105, he had a son, Enosh, 7and then lived another 807 years. He had other children 8and died at the age of 912.

9When Enosh was ninety, he had a son, Kenan, 10and then lived another 815 years. He had other children 11and died at the age of 905.

12When Kenan was seventy, he had a son, Mahalalel, 13and then lived another 840 years. He had other children 14and died at the age of 910.

15When Mahalalel was 65, he had a son, Jared, 16and then lived another 830 years. He had other children 17and died at the age of 895.

18When Jared was 162, he had a son, Enoch, 19and then lived another 800 years. He had other children 20and died at the age of 962.

21When Enoch was 65, he had a son, Methuselah. 22After that, Enoch lived in fellowship with God for 300 years and had other children. 23He lived to be 365 years old. 24He spent his life in fellowship with God, and then he disappeared, because God took him away.

25When Methuselah was 187, he had a son, Lamech, 26and then lived another 782 years. He had other children 27and died at the age of 969.

28When Lamech was 182, he had a son, 29and said, “From the very ground on which the LORD put a curse, this child will bring us relief from all our hard work”; so he named him Noah. 30Lamech lived another 595 years. He had other children 31and died at the age of 777.

32After Noah was 500 years old, he had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Genesis 6

Human Wickedness

1When the human race had spread all over the world, and daughters were being born, 2some of the heavenly beings saw that these young women were beautiful, so they took the ones they liked. 3Then the LORD said, “I will not allow people to live for ever; they are mortal. From now on they will live no longer than 120 years.” 4In those days, and even later, there were giants on the earth who were descendants of human women and the heavenly beings. They were the great heroes and famous men of long ago.

5When the LORD saw how wicked everyone on earth was and how evil their thoughts were all the time, 6he was sorry that he had ever made them and put them on the earth. He was so filled with regret 7that he said, “I will wipe out these people I have created, and also the animals and the birds, because I am sorry that I made any of them.” 8But the LORD was pleased with Noah.


9-10This is the story of Noah. He had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Noah had no faults and was the only good man of his time. He lived in fellowship with God, 11but everyone else was evil in God's sight, and violence had spread everywhere. 12God looked at the world and saw that it was evil, for the people were all living evil lives.

13God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to the whole human race. I will destroy them completely, because the world is full of their violent deeds. 14Build a boat for yourself out of good timber; make rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out. 15Make it 133 metres long, 22 metres wide, and thirteen metres high. 16Make a roof for the boat and leave a space of 44 centimetres between the roof and the sides. Build it with three decks and put a door in the side. 17I am going to send a flood on the earth to destroy every living being. Everything on the earth will die, 18but I will make a covenant with you. Go into the boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. 19-20Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive. 21Take along all kinds of food for you and for them.” 22Noah did everything that God commanded.

Genesis 7

The Flood

1The LORD said to Noah, “Go into the boat with your whole family; I have found that you are the only one in all the world who does what is right. 2Take with you seven pairs of each kind of ritually clean animal, but only one pair of each kind of unclean animal. 3Take also seven pairs of each kind of bird. Do this so that every kind of animal and bird will be kept alive to reproduce again on the earth. 4Seven days from now I am going to send rain that will fall for forty days and nights, in order to destroy all the living beings that I have made.” 5And Noah did everything that the LORD commanded.

6Noah was 600 years old when the flood came on the earth. 7He and his wife, and his sons and their wives, went into the boat to escape the flood. 8A male and a female of every kind of animal and bird, whether ritually clean or unclean, 9went into the boat with Noah, as God had commanded. 10Seven days later the flood came.

11When Noah was 600 years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month all the outlets of the vast body of water beneath the earth burst open, all the floodgates of the sky were opened, 12and rain fell on the earth for forty days and nights. 13On that same day Noah and his wife went into the boat with their three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives. 14With them went every kind of animal, domestic and wild, large and small, and every kind of bird. 15A male and a female of each kind of living being went into the boat with Noah, 16as God had commanded. Then the LORD shut the door behind Noah.

17The flood continued for forty days, and the water became deep enough for the boat to float. 18The water became deeper, and the boat drifted on the surface. 19It became so deep that it covered the highest mountains; 20it went on rising until it was about seven metres above the tops of the mountains. 21Every living being on the earth died — every bird, every animal, and every person. 22Everything on earth that breathed died. 23The LORD destroyed all living beings on the earth — human beings, animals, and birds. The only ones left were Noah and those who were with him in the boat. 24The water did not start going down for 150 days.

Genesis 8

The End of the Flood

1God had not forgotten Noah and all the animals with him in the boat; he caused a wind to blow, and the water started going down. 2The outlets of the water beneath the earth and the floodgates of the sky were closed. The rain stopped, 3and the water gradually went down for 150 days. 4On the seventeenth day of the seventh month the boat came to rest on a mountain in the Ararat range. 5The water kept going down, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains appeared.

6After forty days Noah opened a window 7and sent out a raven. It did not come back, but kept flying around until the water was completely gone. 8Meanwhile, Noah sent out a dove to see if the water had gone down, 9but since the water still covered all the land, the dove did not find a place to alight. It flew back to the boat, and Noah reached out and took it in. 10He waited another seven days and sent out the dove again. 11It returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. So Noah knew that the water had gone down. 12Then he waited another seven days and sent out the dove once more; this time it did not come back.

13When Noah was 601 years old, on the first day of the first month, the water was gone. Noah removed the covering of the boat, looked round, and saw that the ground was getting dry. 14By the 27th day of the second month the earth was completely dry.

15God said to Noah, 16“Go out of the boat with your wife, your sons, and their wives. 17Take all the birds and animals out with you, so that they may reproduce and spread over all the earth.” 18So Noah went out of the boat with his wife, his sons, and their wives. 19All the animals and birds went out of the boat in groups of their own kind.

Noah Offers a Sacrifice

20Noah built an altar to the LORD; he took one of each kind of ritually clean animal and bird, and burnt them whole as a sacrifice on the altar. 21The odour of the sacrifice pleased the LORD, and he said to himself, “Never again will I put the earth under a curse because of what people do; I know that from the time they are young their thoughts are evil. Never again will I destroy all living beings, as I have done this time. 22As long as the world exists, there will be a time for planting and a time for harvest. There will always be cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”

Genesis 9

God's Covenant with Noah

1God blessed Noah and his sons and said, “Have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth. 2All the animals, birds, and fish will live in fear of you. They are all placed under your power. 3Now you can eat them, as well as green plants; I give them all to you for food. 4The one thing you must not eat is meat with blood still in it; I forbid this because the life is in the blood. 5If anyone takes human life, he will be punished. I will punish with death any animal that takes a human life. 6Human beings were made like God, so whoever murders one of them will be killed by someone else.

7“You must have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth.”

8God said to Noah and his sons, 9“I am now making my covenant with you and with your descendants, 10and with all living beings — all birds and all animals — everything that came out of the boat with you. 11With these words I make my covenant with you: I promise that never again will all living beings be destroyed by a flood; never again will a flood destroy the earth. 12As a sign of this everlasting covenant which I am making with you and with all living beings, 13I am putting my bow in the clouds. It will be the sign of my covenant with the world. 14Whenever I cover the sky with clouds and the rainbow appears, 15I will remember my promise to you and to all the animals that a flood will never again destroy all living beings. 16When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between me and all living beings on earth. 17That is the sign of the promise which I am making to all living beings.”

Genesis 4:17GNBOpen in Bible reader
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