Freedom to go and tell – 22 April 2021

By Xanthe Hancox

(Di)temana ya Bibele


8Ke moka ba tloga moo lebitleng ba itlhaganetše ba tšhogile, fela ba thabile kudu, gomme ba kitimela go yo begela barutiwa ba gagwe.

9Gateetee Jesu a gahlana le bona a re: “Dumelang!” Bona ba mmatamela, ba mo swara maoto, ba mo khunamela. 10Yena a re go bona: “Se boifeng! Sepelang le yo botša banabešo gore ba ye Galilea, moo ba tlago mpona gona.”

MATEU 28:8-10NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Yesterday we read about fear, and how the Bible instructs us time after time not to be afraid. Both the angel at the tomb and Jesus on the road said to the women, “Do not be afraid”. But they also said something else, “Go and tell. … ”

Christ’s sacrifice for our sin and his victory over death gives us not only freedom from fear but also freedom to tell others—so that they can share the good news about Jesus among themselves and then spread it to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).

All who hear this good news and trust that Jesus is Lord and Saviour can enjoy eternal life in God’s presence forever. This stunning reality in Christ brings us into a full and complete relationship with God. The finished work of Jesus frees us for a new life both in heaven and on earth to live fully with purpose and power in the love and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ. What amazing grace!

Today may God release your fears, freeing you to share fully in his love and to share with others around you the good-news story of Jesus’ salvation for all who hear and believe. Even more, you can tell people about the resurrection power of Christ at work in your own life!

Prayer: Dear Lord, through your resurrection you have given us the freedom to live fully in relationship with you. Release any fears that may hinder us from doing so and reveal your full purpose and power in us. In your name, Amen

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