Day 9: God is the HEARER OF PRAYER – 20 February 2020

Itekisi yeBhayibhile
Ingoma yombongo
Chanté Hinds-Moller and her husband, Jan’s 18-month-old son Daniel drowned on their farm in 2009. After that, she had to try her utmost best to stay strong – even if it was merely for the sake of her 4-month-old son, Darius. During this difficult time, with many questions, Chanté discovered that God truly HEARS our prayers.
Chanté: “I couldn’t cry in front of my 4-month-old boy, Darius. When I cried, he also started crying. All these emotions built up inside me like a volcano. One winter morning I decided to go for a walk on the farm. I had to escape to get rid of the build up emotions and tears in my heart.
“I longed for hope. I longed to hear God’s voice. I wanted to trust Him again, because the trauma surrounding our son’s drowning affected me. We prayed for the protection of our children – yet he still died.
“A rainbow symbolizes hope to me. On that beautiful winter morning in the Karoo, with no cloud in the sky, I desperately needed hope. ‘In my arrogance’ I asked God for a miracle: I wanted to see a rainbow before the day ends. I wanted to know that God still cares about me. However, the day went by.
“My husband and I were already in the bedroom that night when the man who recovered Daniel from the water, knocked on our bedroom door. He told us while he was in town earlier that day, a lady stopped him and said that she wanted to send me something. She scratched in her handbag and all she could find was a little card. When I took the card, I couldn’t believe my eyes. On the front of the card was a hand painted tiny farmhouse with a gigantic rainbow behind it! I can’t describe that moment when I saw the rainbow. I knew that it was God showing me that He heard my prayers earlier that day! To this day, that is God’s promise to me that I can trust Him.”
God HEARS our prayers. In Psalm 40:1 we read: “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.” Also in Psalm 65: 2, the Psalmist writes: “You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.” And in Psalm 4: 4 we read: “The LORD will answer when I call to him.”
Our Father holds the universe in His hands, yet He is involved in the detail of our lives. His desire is to reveal Himself to us. And his ear is never too deaf to hear. Let’s talk to Him today. God bless.
Father God, thank you that I can confidently pray, knowing that You hear my prayers. Please I need help with (mention what you specifically need). I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen