Forgiveness – Day 13

This is the only instance in the Bible where God forgave a nation other that Israel, even when the messenger decided that he did not want to do it.
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Forgiveness in the Prophets – 3
God sent Jonah to Nineveh, but he decided to go in the opposite direction, ending up in a storm at sea, got thrown overboard and swallowed up by a big fish.
When he was back on dry ground, God sent him again to Nineveh – and he went. Everybody in Nineveh paid attention to the impending judgement, even the king. Everybody fasted and stopped doing the wrong things, the animals included.
Verse 10 states that God felt sorry for them – accepted their fasting and wearing of sack-clothes and did not punish them.
This illustrates how God deals with other nations, not only His own people.