Bible Society of South Africa

Hope in Suffering – Day 197

Itekisi yeBhayibhile


20Thina sithembele kuNdikhoyo,

kuba nguye umncedi nomkhuseli wethu.

21Ewe, siya kuchulumacha ngenxa kaNdikhoyo,

kuba sithembele kwigama lakhe elidumileyo.

22Ndikhoyo, senzele ububele nenceba,

njengoko kaloku sithembele kuwe.

IINDUMISO 33:20-22XHO96Vula kumfundi weBhayibhile

Suffering is a reality in a broken world. Scripture acknowledges this reality, but points us to the transforming presence of God in our lives, regardless of our circumstances, and the words of hope he speaks over our world

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