God’s grace, love and power – Day 15

He looks after you
Se(di)ngolwa (t)sa Bibele
Sometimes we think that we, who believe in God, will escape pain and sorrow in life. You may know God, and yet there are difficult times in your marriage. You may have asked God, in prayer, to guide you in choosing the right job, and now things are difficult at the office.
It reminds me of the time Jesus invited his disciples to go with him in a boat, to the other side of a lake. They encountered a heavy storm and the disciples were frightened that they were going to drown. Jesus resented this and asked: “Where is your faith?” Did they forget that he invited them, and that he would have seen to it that they got safely to the other side? Jesus was the guarantee that they would be safe. After that, Jesus calmed the storm.
We should also expect this from life. There will always be storms, even though we get into the boat with Jesus. We have to remember two things. Firstly, the forces of evil, sickness, life and death are strong. In life, we often come across these forces. But the second thing that we must know is, that the power of Jesus is always stronger. He uses his power to lead us through heights and depths.
Often the anxiety and fear of our circumstances are so big, that we forget that Jesus’ power is greater. Faith is to trust Jesus, that he will take care of you, to believe that your life is in God’s hands, and to believe that Jesus is there for you and that he will fulfil his plans for your life.
Jesus promised: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).