Bible Society of South Africa


In biblical times, the dead were normally buried. Leaving a body unburied or cremating was seen as a severe punishment.


In the stories about the patriarchs, people were buried under a tree when they died (Genesis 35:8; 1 Samuel 31:12-13). If people had settled at a particular location, the dead were buried somewhere outside the city, or tombs were hewn into the rocks or hills.

Rich and Poor

For poor people, a grave was dug in the ground. The grave was covered with stones. Sometimes a type of mass grave was used. Rich people were buried in a private grave, usually a family tomb. In order to make space for other family members, the bones of the departed were collected in a pit or in an ossuary (bone depository).
Graves were covered with stones to protect against wild animals. If the family had enough money, they could have a special stone made to cover the grave or to close off the opening of a tomb.

The Same Day

People were usually buried on the day they died. Even if someone was hung as punishment, his body had to be buried the same day (Deuteronomy 21:22-23).

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