Bible Society of South Africa

Paul’s Fourth Journey, to Rome

Paul’s fourth journey begins in Jerusalem and ends in Rome. The major part of the journey is by ship. There is a report of this journey in Acts 27–28.

The journey takes place around AD 58.

Appeal to Caesar

At the end of his third missionary journey, Paul arrives in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem a number of Jews accuse him of having brought a few non-Jews into the Temple. The false accusations against Paul lead to turmoil and in the end the Romans arrest him.
Paul defends himself in Jerusalem and Caesarea against the Jewish leaders, the procurators Felix and Festus, and King Agrippa II. Paul wants the emperor in Rome to adjudicate on his case (Acts 21:27–26:32). The procurator then sends Paul to Italy.

Journey to Rome

During the sea journey the ship is buffeted by a storm. The ship is finally wrecked and by swimming or drifting, everyone manages to reach the island of Malta. Three months later Paul and his companions travel to Rome (Acts 27:1–28:14).

In Rome

In Rome, Paul is allowed to rent a house. He has a Roman guard with him at all times. There he speaks regularly about Jesus Christ with Jews and their leaders, but also with other people (Acts 28:15-29).

Paul’s End

The book of Acts tells us that Paul stays in Rome for two years. What happens after that is not recorded in Acts (Acts 28:30-31). According to apocryphal writings, Paul died in Rome as a martyr, around AD 60.

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