Bible Society of South Africa

2 Timothy

The second letter to Timothy is attributed to the apostle Paul and is addressed to his co-worker, Timothy. It is not known when and by whom this letter was written. The letter gives instructions to the leaders of the Christian community. The first and second letter to Timothy, together with the letter to Titus, are known as the “pastoral letters”.


There is opposition to “false teachers” in the pastoral letters. In some cases, the reference is to former disciples of Paul. They are often presented as direct opponents of the reliable followers of Paul. Both groups were probably preaching a simple version of Paul’s teachings, although the letters do not give detailed information about this.
The letters seem to summarise the teachings of Paul. An important component of this is the rules for behaviour in the church and in daily life.
The pastoral letters are the most conservative texts in the New Testament. Thus, people in subordinate positions like children, women and slaves are encouraged to be obedient. And believers are called upon to live in such a way that no one can take offence at them.
The conservative tone of these letters is probably related to the tensions the communities aroused in their surroundings, caused by their deviant behaviour.


2 Timothy is a letter that sets out rules for church life and life in society. It is a testament in the form of a letter.

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