Bible Society of South Africa
Carina Francke

Your 24/7 Companion – Day 2

Your 24/7 Companion

Bible text(s)

Luke 24

49And I myself will send upon you what my Father has promised. But you must wait in the city until the power from above comes down upon you.”

Luke 24:49GNBOpen in Bible reader

After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to his disciples who, up to that moment, thought he was still dead. No wonder they thought he was a ghost when he greeted them with, “Peace to you!” It was only when he showed them his hands and feet, and asked for something to eat, that they knew he was alive (again)!

Knowing that he will soon return to his Father and that his disciples will be alone, he confirms the promise he made to them before his crucifixion, namely, that he will ask his Father to send them the Holy Spirit. “Behold I send the Promise of My Father upon you.” This time though, he adds, “But tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

What he promises here is that the 24/7 Companion, who will abide in and with us, will also endue us with power.

Firstly, he explains to them the meaning of his death and resurrection. They have to understand clearly that God’s purpose and plan for humanity is being realised in Jesus and that he wants to use them to convey this message to all people. It is for this reason that they will have to be supernaturally equipped.

You and I cannot experience the peace he spoke of, in this broken and mixed-up world of ours, if the Holy Spirit does not empower us – let alone telling others about it! Like the disciples, we often fear, doubt his words and promises, struggle to believe in him and fail to understand or see the obvious. We need him to open our eyes on a daily basis, to recognise and understand who he really is.

Our “tarry until you are endued with power” is not a once off experience, but a continuous dependency on him to endue us with power in every circumstance. In reality, it means that you and I have to be in an active, living relationship with him and not trust in our own (imperfect) abilities and (poor) insights. After all, his power is from above and knows no restrictions.

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