Bible Society of South Africa

War and a loving God - 10 September 2024

By Imogen Campbell

Bible text(s)

Ecclesiastes 3

8He sets the time for love and the time for hate,

the time for war and the time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:8GNBOpen in Bible reader

God expelled the devil from heaven after the latter decided to wage war against everything beautiful, pure, and holy. It stands to reason: a holy God simply could not just sit back and allow it. Unfortunately, humans have been caught up in it.

And it will not end until Jesus comes back. There will be more war before there is, ultimately, peace. Yet, we may still wonder why a loving God would allow so much war and bloodshed. Could God not just absolve the devil of guilt and shalom would be the by-product?

If only it was so simple. Satan is not willing to repent and God is not willing for us all to perish. God had taken a stand and set his boundaries. Forgiveness is not the issue here. Normally, the one who struggles with lack of forgiveness has a face marred by bitterness and a soul poisoned by pain.

Yet, God is a God of joy, while the fruit of the spirit is love, joy and peace. The one who is bitter, resentful, cruel and vile is the same one who simply won’t stop sinning. He is the one known as the father of lies, and described by Jesus as a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44).

At the end of July, a knife-wielding assailant stabbed a number of girls to death as they participated in a dance class in Southport, United Kingdom (UK). There was an immediate outcry against such a heinous attack: a call to address violence against the most defenceless among us. Love for these children demanded that justice be served. Something had to be done …

In Indelible Connections, author John Atkinson writes the following: “The Bible is best taught with two hands. On the one hand, a truth and on the other hand, another truth. … For instance, God is just, but he is simultaneously merciful. His justice does not act alone. If it did we would be without hope in this world.”

Dwight D Eisenhower puts it this way: “Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.” Indeed, we serve a just and loving God. And boy, has He done something about the devil!

Prayer: Thank you, God, that your glory is your goodness and that you love your children so much that you were willing to send your Son to save us. Amen

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