Bible Society of South Africa

Standing on holy ground - 26 August 2024

By Xanthe Hancox

Bible text(s)

Exodus 3

5God said, “Do not come any closer. Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground.

Exodus 3:5GNBOpen in Bible reader

This morning’s verse comes from the story of Moses and the burning bush, one of the most powerful encounters with God in the Bible. On an ordinary day, while leading his flock near Mount Horeb, Moses sees a bush that is on fire but not consumed by the flames. As Moses approaches out of curiosity, God calls out to him from within the bush, instructing him to remove his sandals because he is standing on holy ground.

Removing one’s sandals was a sign in Moses’s time of reverence and humility. The command to remove his sandals was God’s way of showing Moses that he was in a sacred space, in the very presence of the Almighty. It signified an acknowledgment that the ground he stood on was different from any other place because God was there.

This encounter reminds us that when God reveals himself, the place of that encounter becomes holy. It might not be a burning bush for us, but God’s presence can make any place sacred – whether it’s a quiet corner of your home, a walk in nature, or even a difficult situation where you sense his guidance. The key is recognising these moments and places as holy and responding with the reverence they deserve.

In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the sacred. We might rush through our days, unaware of the holy ground we’re standing on. But God’s presence transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. Just as Moses was called to remove his sandals, we too are called to approach God with humility and awe, recognising the sacredness of the moments and places where he reveals himself to us.

Prayer: Lord, help me to recognise the holy ground in my life, the places where you reveal yourself to me. Give me the humility to approach these moments with reverence, understanding that your presence makes them sacred. Teach me to slow down and acknowledge your work in my life, transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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