Bible Society of South Africa

Silence: Jesus calms the storm - 21 October 2024

By Charlea Grey

Bible text(s)

Matthew 8

26“Why are you so frightened?” Jesus answered. “How little faith you have!” Then he got up and ordered the winds and the waves to stop, and there was a great calm.

Matthew 8:26GNBOpen in Bible reader

Each of us faces storms in our lives. Some are enduring massive, destructive hurricanes. For others, it is just a disruptive downpour that’s causing some chaos. Your storm might not even feel like a real storm, but more like a heavy cloudburst that leaves you feeling defeated.

Whatever the case, we all experience things in life that make us feel worried, anxious and afraid. There isn’t one specific thing that counts as a storm. Some struggle with relationships, while others face family issues or work dilemmas that create storms in their hearts. Some are dealing with financial storms, health storms or trauma storms.

One of the storms raging in my life is the health challenges of a toddler who seems to bring home a new germ from creche every third week. As a mother, this causes me immense stress and anxiety because of the unforeseen expenses for doctor visits and medication, not to mention the juggling of work responsibilities. And, of course, I make the mistake of letting sleepless nights lead me into endless worry about all the “what ifs” and “maybes”. Before I know it, I am feeling overwhelmed by life.

But – there is always a “but” – this is not the first time I have had to face a storm in my life. It is not the first time I have felt like things were out of my control. When I look back at previous times – those colds, flus and other germs we have had to battle while raising a child – I realise that we have always come through. There was always a caring doctor, an encouraging friend, a grandparent offering help or a compassionate boss at work who listened and provided comfort. And eventually, there was healing. Every time, there was calm after the storm. And not just calm, but also relief, joy and gratitude.

My example is simple, yours may not be. You might feel trapped in a situation that makes you wonder if you will survive this storm, as if it is going to flatten you like Hurricane Milton flattened homes and trees in Florida. It feels like only pieces of you will remain.

Think of how Jesus calmed the storm for the disciples. Think of the power in his words when he addressed the wind and the water. Just as he did then, he will come and calm the storm in your life – ask him; tell him if you are afraid.

Our Father listens and he calms storms – big ones, small ones, even those little storms in a teacup that might seem insignificant. That is what he does.

Prayer: Lord, there are storms raging in my life. Some are big and scary, others are small. Please, calm the storm. Help me to find peace and remember that you are in control. Amen

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