Bible Society of South Africa

Gratitude: I get the chance to ... - 2 October 2024

By Charlea Grey

Bible text(s)

Colossians 3

15The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has called you together in the one body. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15GNBOpen in Bible reader

I am starting this month by focusing on gratitude. Yes, I have written about gratitude before. I have always thought a lot about it, but over the past month or two, I have thought about it even more than usual and sometimes wrestled with it. The reason? Life has been particularly full, overwhelming and challenging at times.

There were days when it felt like my worries were going to swallow me whole. The only way I could keep going and stay hopeful was by focusing on the things I could be grateful for. I will be honest, it does not make things better right away. It does not always make me worry less. However, there is something about having a grateful attitude that makes life a little more bearable.

The other night, as I was sharing my worries and talking about the things making me anxious with my husband, he told me about a video he saw on social media. In it, someone was talking about gratitude and encouraging people to shift their focus and say to themselves: I get the chance to …

This is not new advice, I have heard it on the radio before, but it is definitely good advice. It means changing your perspective and trying to see the opportunity, privilege, or advantage in a situation or challenge.

Some days, it is easy to find a positive, grateful outlook on the challenges in our lives. Other days, it takes a lot of focus, effort and prayer for guidance. I do believe it is worth the effort because, close on the heels of a grateful heart, comes peace. And I do not know about you, but peace in my mind often leads to joy in my heart.

Prayer: Lord, help me each day to focus on the good things that can often spring from my challenges and worries. Help me to see the positive side of situations, so that I may experience your peace in my heart. Amen

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