Bible Society of South Africa

Feeling the onslaught of Satan’s accusations - 17 September 2024

By Imogen Campbell

Bible text(s)

Proverbs 3

5Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. 6Remember the LORD in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.

Proverbs 3:5-6GNBOpen in Bible reader

For Christians committed to serving the Lord, a day is certain to arrive – when we least expect it – when our world feels like it is crashing down around us. Consider the sage Job who was blindsided by the devil. Like him, we are destined to have days that we would prefer to forget.

Minding his own business, Job found himself at the centre of Satan’s accusations before God. Not long after, calamity after calamity descended, leaving him reeling and without wealth, children and a wife. What he had, amounted to physical pain and some dubious friends.

Thankfully, most of us cannot relate to that extent, but we have certainly had days where the wind has been taken out of our sails. Out of the blue, unimaginable events have shaken us to the core. Perhaps feeling as though a hand grenade had gone off in our faces. Hearts broken, souls shattered and tears splattered over flushed faces; we had no clue as to what had just happened.

In an instant, chaos unfolded – what seemed fine the day before had irrevocably changed the next. It could have been a once rock-solid business venture that went south due to a calamity beyond one’s control, or a beloved child that had committed a gut-wrenching misstep leaving heartbreak in its wake. A great relationship or friendship had suddenly soured, and loneliness had ensued.

In those moments, we need to trust the God of this universe all the more. He is fully in control; he is the One who allows Satan any modicum of permission to tempt us. And temptations we experience can actually serve to strengthen us, and help us to understand how powerful God really is.

But we have a decision to make – we need to trust that God did, indeed, engrave us in the palm of his hands and won’t forget or forsake us when the Adversary does strike. Also trust that God is great and has the best intentions and plans for our lives. Will you trust God even on those days when all hell literally breaks loose? I can guarantee that those days will definitely come.

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

Prayer: Father God, we draw much comfort from the knowledge that you are fully in control and will help us through any bad day. We are filled with gratitude to know that we can always run to you. Amen

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