Bible Society of South Africa

New life in the Spirit – 10 October 2022

Bible text(s)

Romans 8

9But you do not live as your human nature tells you to; instead, you live as the Spirit tells you to — if, in fact, God's Spirit lives in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

Romans 8:9GNBOpen in Bible reader

Our spiritual journey of life begins with the work of God the Holy Spirit, working in our hearts even before we come to believe. It is his work to convince us of sin and our broken relationship with God. Without his guidance, we keep on thinking that our own insight and resources in life are enough, that everything we do is right in our own eyes. The Holy Spirit makes us aware of the love of Jesus. He makes the message of the gospel personal for us. He convinces us that Jesus has died on the cross for us, repairing the broken relationship with God in our place. The Spirit convinces us of the empty grave, that we are serving a living Lord who gives us a future, even beyond death. Without the soft, gentle touch of the Holy Spirit, our hearts remain hard to the message of the love of Christ.

The Holy Spirit makes us aware of our spiritual needs and then introduces us to Christ. When we come to know Christ as Lord, it is the Holy Spirit who renews our life, facilitating the birth of a new person in Christ. When we are reborn as Christians, the Holy Spirit teaches us the will of God, transforming our lives in the image of Christ.

Last week, we paid some attention to the concept of two paths in life. The first is the path of our sinful nature, where I am king of my life, and I do whatever I want. This path leads to death. The alternative is the path of Christ, where I am led by the Holy Spirit. This path leads to life and peace. Paul encourages us to choose the path of life, submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our everyday life. He changes our character, transforming us from lost sinner to child of God. We are living in a new realm, the realm of the Spirit, as today’s verse teaches us. The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and the strength to make the right choices in our daily lives. These are choices that will honour God, and build up my neighbour and myself, as I travel my life’s journey with him.

The Spirit lives in us. He is always present; we do not need an appointment to see him. He is always just a prayer away. He guides us to grow and make wise choices.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are living in me through your Spirit. Thank you that you are always with me, always in reach with just a prayer. Thank you for renewing my life in Christ and helping me to grow to be more like Jesus. Keep on changing my life, moulding me in your image, to your glory. Amen

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