Sustenance for the soul – 19 May 2020
By Xanthe Hancox
Bible text(s)
Psalms 1
Psalms 1—41
True Happiness
Psalm 1 draws a powerful contrast between the righteous and the wicked. One walks with God, the other with sinners. One is like a fruitful tree, the other like blown-away chaff. The Lord watches over the one, and the way of the other leads to destruction.
Notice the progression of verse 2: delight, then meditation. Delight is a response of the heart to the beauty and value of something or someone—in this case, to God’s Word. But meditation involves careful sustained thought—it takes work and involves the will.
Meditation should serve, strengthen, and sustain delight. Meditation allows God’s Word to penetrate our minds, hearts, and wills more deeply. Through meditation, we are “transformed by the renewal of our mind” (Romans 12:2).
Our lives are unbelievably distracted. We are experts at multi-tasking, surfing, and skimming, but we find it harder than ever to focus. So how should we meditate on God’s Word?
If you don’t already, try to find a consistent time, place, and plan to spend time with your Bible. Then read slowly and carefully. Reread and reread. Read out loud. Read prayerfully. Read with a pen in hand. Memorize texts that you read. Read with other people and talk about what you see, and remember the blessing of Psalm 1 as you delight in the beauty and value of God’s revealed Word.
Prayer: Lord, sustain and strengthen my delight in your Word. Help me to put away distractions and intentionally meditate on you. Amen.