Bible Society of South Africa

A life that shows what I believe – 16 October 2020

By Ewald Schmidt

Bible text(s)

Philippians 1

27Now, the important thing is that your way of life should be as the gospel of Christ requires, so that, whether or not I am able to go and see you, I will hear that you are standing firm with one common purpose and that with only one desire you are fighting together for the faith of the gospel. 28Don't be afraid of your enemies; always be courageous, and this will prove to them that they will lose and that you will win, because it is God who gives you the victory. 29For you have been given the privilege of serving Christ, not only by believing in him, but also by suffering for him.

Philippians 1:27-29GNBOpen in Bible reader

We are not in control of our lives or of the challenges we face in our walk of faith. But we are called to live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ, whatever happens to us. What does it mean to live a life worthy of the gospel? Our Lord Jesus has come to this world as the Prince of Peace. He came to mend the broken relationship between God and man. He came to restore our broken relationship with our fellow man. On the night before his death, he taught some of the most important lessons to his disciples, to prepare them for their journey ahead. Twice, in John 13:34 and 15:12, he combined all the teaching of the Law, and of what He has given, into one new command. “Love one another as I have loved you …”

This is the gospel of Christ. We are called to be what we were created to be. We were made in the image of God, and God is love (1 John 4:16) When we love God, and our neighbour as ourselves, we are doing what we were meant to do. The gospel of Christ, of loving like Jesus, makes all the difference in life. It transforms families and communities, and when we really live according to the gospel, it has the potential to change the world. We are called to follow Jesus, to love like him, to serve like him.

But to obey and to follow Christ does not come naturally to us. It requires a lot of humility and self-sacrifice. Not our favourite words in the Bible! Verse 27 is not seen on T-shirts and bumper stickers. We know we must believe in Christ. We desire his blessings, we want good times to roll! But part of the life of a disciple is the possibility that we may be called to suffer for Christ. To suffer for Christ had been counted as a gift for the early church. Through suffering, the deepest value of the gospel is shown to the world: Christ is so important to us that we will gladly suffer rather than disobey or dishonour him. May we get to the deepest conviction of our faith, like Paul said, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we sometimes forget how deep your love for us is, and how great the price you paid to set us free. Thank you for your sacrifice, and your love. You have called me to follow in your footsteps, by loving others like you, by serving others as you have shown. Through your love, and our obedience, the world may change into a better place. Help us, as Christians, to unite in purpose, and to show the world your love through our love, our deeds, and our prayers. I want to declare today: You are my life! Amen

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