Bible Society of South Africa
Francois Sieberhagen

The bigger picture – Day 4


Bible text(s)

Matthew 19

14Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14GNBOpen in Bible reader

When I was a child, I was intrigued, like many others, by the tale of the well-known Rev. Solly Ozrovech. As a child, he ended up in the wrong orphanage and as a Jew, he eventually became a pastor. He is an example of how the love of Jesus became practical, just like Matthew 19:14 explains.

When I visited Uganda, Justine Zikusooka from the Bible Society of Uganda, took me with to visit a project in the rural communities. Here, they reach out to children who are HIV positive and child-headed families. I experienced a different example of what Matthew 19:14 meant.

I experienced true love in action. At one stage, Justine invited the nine-year-old Ruth to sit with her. I snapped a quick photo. I have always said a photo does not lie, it tells the truth. I captured the selfless love of a woman caring for a child who has a limited future on earth.

In both cases, that of Rev. Solly and Ruth, it was ordinary people who made the love of Jesus practical. These ordinary people, through their own actions, reached out to defenceless children and supported them in their tough circumstances.

Every day, we read in the newspapers of children who are brought to injustice. It is alarming. That is where our challenge lies. We have to reach out. We have to become practical in our faith. We simply need to reach out to the children who cross our path. We need to become Jesus for them and work in such a way, that his kingdom will become part of their lives. This is not only about children who are unhappy, but also about those living and working in stable environments.

We, as Christians, have a duty and a responsibility. Let’s accept the challenge to become involved.

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