Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Live Happy … Today – Day 20

Live happy ... trusting God for your breakthrough

Bible text(s)

Deuteronomy 31

8The LORD himself will lead you and be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you, so do not lose courage or be afraid.”

Deuteronomy 31:8GNBOpen in Bible reader

Deuteronomy 33

27God has always been your defence;

his eternal arms are your support.

He drove out your enemies as you advanced,

and told you to destroy them all.

Deuteronomy 33:27GNBOpen in Bible reader

[Background: God still does miracles today. Here are three readers’ testimonies.]

Reader 1, Louise: “On 9 June 2011, I wanted to commit suicide. I was travelling from Witbank to Bedfordview. My marriage was not on good terms and I was tired of everything and everyone. I have four children. At that time, my daughter was 17, my son was 12 and our identical twins were two years.

On the road, I knew it was now or never. I loosened my seat and started driving faster. The last time I watched the speedometer, I was driving at 210 km/h. I wanted to hit a large truck from behind. In this way, I would not take another driver’s life. It was not long before I saw the first truck next to the road. I increased my speed and drove straight towards the truck. Just before the moment of impact, I saw my twins’ faces before me. I swerved and missed the truck, literally by millimetres.

A few kilometres later, another truck stood next to the road. Again, I picked up speed. This time, just before I hit the truck, I read the big pink words at the back of the truck: “Driving for Jesus”. Again, I swerved and missed the truck. I stopped next to the road; realising that God saved me by his grace.

Today, I shudder to think that my children almost had to grow up without me. I thank God that he never left me or forsook me. In him, there is always hope – no matter how hopeless you feel today!”

Reader 2, Ludrick: “My daughter, Thearine, was in a huge car accident. She had severe head and internal injuries, and when the doctor spoke to us for the first time, I could see that he did not have much hope that she would survive. However, my wife and I never ceased to pray for her healing.

The brain surgeons at the Medi-Clinic, Bloemfontein, had ordered a brain-monitoring device earlier in the year. With this device, they could measure the pressure, temperature and oxygen levels of a patient with brain trauma. Thearine was the first person to use the device.

On the fifth day after the accident, Thearine’s condition worsened. The doctor called us and told us to pray for her, to ensure she would go to the right place after she dies. My response was that God had not brought her this far, just to let her die. We again sat beside her bed and prayed for a miracle. At ten o’clock that evening, her condition stabilised.

The next day the doctor told us that if the device did not monitor her, her machines would have been switched off, seeing that the readings on the device were ten times higher than it should be at times.

God touched our daughter and healed her. Today, she walks (though still with crutches) and her brain function is completely normal. We worship a living God to whom everything is possible!”

Reader 3, Marina: “Some time ago, my husband, sister and I went to Pringle Bay for a weekend. On the Saturday morning, we decided to go swim in the sea. Suddenly, we realised that we were in trouble when a strong current began pulling us away from the beach. I panicked as the stream made me tired and I started swallowing water. My husband swam to the shore to get help and screamed to us to remain calm, turn on our backs and stay afloat.

As I turned onto my back, I looked up to heaven and asked God to send someone to save us from the water. I was very tired. Suddenly, two men came running to the water from the beach and they saved us. Even though I do not even know their names, I know that God used them to help us. We later heard that someone had drowned that day and realised that things could have been totally different for us.

I praise the Lord, my Saviour, for what he has done for us. I realise that he saved us so that we can tell of his greatness and love for his children. Praise Him!”

These three readers are correct. God is close to us in the most challenging situations of our lives. In Deuteronomy 31:8 we read: It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” And in Deuteronomy 33:27: The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Invite him to be a part of your life daily. And know for sure, he never slumbers nor sleeps and will always help when we call out to him. God bless.

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