Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Live Happy … Today – Day 15

Live happy ... trusting God for your breakthrough

Bible text(s)

Isaiah 40

31But those who trust in the LORD for help

will find their strength renewed.

They will rise on wings like eagles;

they will run and not get weary;

they will walk and not grow weak.

Isaiah 40:31GNBOpen in Bible reader

[Background: God still does miracles today. Here are two readers’ testimonies that demonstrates this.]

Reader 1, Atel: “There was a time in my life when I was very discouraged. Not only was I overweight and had a poor self-image, I also could not find decent clothes for myself and it made me feel extremely depressed. One day, after many attempts and failed diets, I decided to talk to God about this. I asked him to help me to lose weight, as I did not have money to join a weight loss programme.

My mom was on holiday and she asked me to look after her dogs. When she returned she gave me money. I did not want to accept it, but she insisted. Without her knowledge, it was the exact amount I needed to join a weight loss programme.

I started the programme and it felt like God gave me supernatural perseverance. I kept on going and, a year later, I was 35 kg lighter. Now, I look better than ever. Whenever someone asks me what my secret is, I answer with boldness, ‘Prayer works!’

This is definitely not my own doing, but God who strengthened me to achieve my goal and still daily keep my weight stable. All glory to Him!”

Reader 2, Arina: “Three years ago, I was retrenched. I was devastated. In that time, however, God provided for my children and I, and we never went hungry. In the same week that I received my last Unemployment Insurance Fund payment, I got a new job. The salary was considerably less than what I was used to, but I thanked God for providing for me.

Within two weeks at my new job, the manager spotted my potential and gave me a considerable raise. After only three months at work, my manager informed me that they were emigrating to New Zealand. I was offered to stay on in the job until I found something else. I quickly found three possible jobs and my manager, at the time, helped me to choose my current job. I realised later that my time with that company helped me to recover my confidence in the work place.

Now, almost three years later at my current job, I had the opportunity to apply for a higher position. The interview went extremely well. Two weeks later I heard the position will not be filled due to the company’s restructuring process. Although a few people were informed that they could lose their jobs, my current job and only one other position in the company nationwide were not affected. If I got the new job, I might have been retrenched. I now understand that God is always in control and he knows best. All praise to him.”

Atel and Arina are right. God is love and he wants what is best for our lives. No situation is ever too big or too small to discuss with him. In Isaiah 40:31 we read: “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Let us trust him today for the best in our lives – whether it is a challenge in the workplace or at home, finding the right spouse or even losing a few extra kilos. God knows your heart’s desires and if it is important to you, it is important to him. God bless.

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