Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Live Happy … Today – Day 12

Live happy ... trusting God

Bible text(s)

2 Kings 18

King Hezekiah of Judah

(2 Chr 29.1–2; 31.1)

1In the third year of the reign of Hoshea son of Elah as king of Israel, Hezekiah son of Ahaz became king of Judah 2at the age of 25, and he ruled in Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother was Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah. 3Following the example of his ancestor King David, he did what was pleasing to the LORD. 4He destroyed the pagan places of worship, broke the stone pillars, and cut down the images of the goddess Asherah. He also broke in pieces the bronze snake that Moses had made, which was called Nehushtan. Up to that time the people of Israel had burnt incense in its honour. 5Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel; Judah never had another king like him, either before or after his time. 6He was faithful to the LORD and never disobeyed him, but carefully kept all the commands that the LORD had given Moses. 7So the LORD was with him, and he was successful in everything he did. He rebelled against the emperor of Assyria and refused to submit to him. 8He defeated the Philistines, and raided their settlements, from the smallest village to the largest city, including Gaza and its surrounding territory.

9In the fourth year of Hezekiah's reign — which was the seventh year of King Hoshea's reign over Israel — Emperor Shalmaneser of Assyria invaded Israel and besieged Samaria. 10In the third year of the siege, Samaria fell; this was the sixth year of Hezekiah's reign, and the ninth year of Hoshea's reign. 11The Assyrian emperor took the Israelites to Assyria as prisoners and settled some of them in the city of Halah, some near the River Habor in the district of Gozan, and some in the cities of Media.

12Samaria fell because the Israelites did not obey the LORD their God, but broke the covenant he had made with them and disobeyed all the laws given by Moses, the servant of the LORD. They would not listen and they would not obey.

The Assyrians Threaten Jerusalem

(2 Chr 32.1–19; Is 36.1–22)

13In the fourteenth year of the reign of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib, the emperor of Assyria, attacked the fortified cities of Judah and conquered them. 14Hezekiah sent a message to Sennacherib, who was in Lachish: “I have done wrong; please stop your attack, and I will pay whatever you demand.” The emperor's answer was that Hezekiah should send him ten tonnes of silver and one tonne of gold. 15Hezekiah sent him all the silver in the Temple and in the palace treasury; 16he also stripped the gold from the temple doors and the gold with which he himself had covered the doorposts, and he sent it all to Sennacherib. 17The Assyrian emperor sent a large army from Lachish to attack Hezekiah at Jerusalem; it was commanded by his three highest officials. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they occupied the road where the clothmakers work, by the ditch that brings water from the upper pond. 18Then they sent for King Hezekiah, and three of his officials went out to meet them: Eliakim son of Hilkiah, who was in charge of the palace; Shebna, the court secretary; and Joah son of Asaph, who was in charge of the records. 19One of the Assyrian officials told them that the emperor wanted to know what made King Hezekiah so confident. 20He demanded, “Do you think that words can take the place of military skill and might? Who do you think will help you rebel against Assyria? 21You are expecting Egypt to help you, but that would be like using a reed as a walking stick — it would break and jab your hand. That is what the king of Egypt is like when anyone relies on him.”

22The Assyrian official went on, “Or will you tell me that you are relying on the LORD your God? It was the LORD's shrines and altars that Hezekiah destroyed, when he told the people of Judah and Jerusalem to worship only at the altar in Jerusalem. 23I will make a bargain with you in the name of the emperor. I will give you 2,000 horses if you can find that many men to ride them! 24You are no match for even the lowest ranking Assyrian official, and yet you expect the Egyptians to send you chariots and horsemen! 25Do you think I have attacked your country and destroyed it without the LORD's help? The LORD himself told me to attack it and destroy it.”

26Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah told the official, “Speak Aramaic to us, sir. We understand it. Don't speak Hebrew; all the people on the wall are listening.”

27He replied, “Do you think you and the king are the only ones the emperor sent me to say all these things to? No, I am also talking to the people who are sitting on the wall, who will have to eat their excrement and drink their urine, just as you will.”

28Then the official stood up and shouted in Hebrew, “Listen to what the emperor of Assyria is telling you! 29He warns you not to let Hezekiah deceive you. Hezekiah can't save you. 30And don't let him persuade you to rely on the LORD. Don't think that the LORD will save you, and that he will stop our Assyrian army from capturing your city. 31Don't listen to Hezekiah. The emperor of Assyria commands you to come out of the city and surrender. You will all be allowed to eat grapes from your own vines, and figs from your own trees, and to drink water from your own wells — 32until the emperor resettles you in a country much like your own, where there are vineyards to give wine and there is corn for making bread; it is a land of olives, olive oil, and honey. If you do what he commands, you will not die, but live. Don't let Hezekiah fool you into thinking that the LORD will rescue you. 33Did the gods of any other nations save their countries from the emperor of Assyria? 34Where are they now, the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah? Did anyone save Samaria? 35When did any of the gods of all these countries ever save their country from our emperor? Then what makes you think the LORD can save Jerusalem?”

36The people kept quiet, just as King Hezekiah had told them to; they did not say a word. 37Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah tore their clothes in grief, and went and reported to the king what the Assyrian official had said.

2 Kings 18GNBOpen in Bible reader

Psalms 46

10“Stop fighting,” he says, “and know that I am God,

supreme among the nations,

supreme over the world.”

11The LORD Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Psalms 46:10-11GNBOpen in Bible reader

Here is an excerpt from an e-mail from Johan, a Verse-a-Day reader from Kazakhstan, in response to Day 11s piece in which we are reminded that God’s ways are not our ways:

Johan: “My stepfather, whom I loved dearly, fell ill and was hospitalised a while ago. At the same time, a visiting minister held special services at our church. One night, after the church service, the minister invited all sick people (or those who wanted to stand in for a sick loved one) to go forward, so he could pray for us. I immediately went on my stepfather’s behalf.

The preacher prayed for everyone in the line. When he got to me, he did not pray for me, but moved onto the next person. I left, feeling very disappointed. When I got home, I received a call from my mother with the news that my stepfather had passed away after a heart attack.

I went back to church the following evening. After the service, I asked the minister why he did not pray for me the previous night. He told me that God showed him that my stepfather was seriously ill. If he prayed for him, my stepfather would have lived to die a much worse death later on.

During the autopsy, they discovered that my stepdad had cancer. It was never diagnosed when he was alive. I now know that God spared him from that.

God is sovereign. When it feels like he is not answering our prayers, he might actually be protecting us!”

Johan is right. God always knows best. It was demonstrated in King Hezekiah’s life as well. Hezekiah was a righteous and godly man who reigned in the heyday of Judah. In 2 Kings 18, we read that he fell seriously ill. On his deathbed, he begged God not to end his life. God heard his prayer and extended his life for 15 years more.

At first, this sounds great. However, look closer to the 15 “extra years” and you will find that pride entered Hezekiah’s life. He forgot to give God the honour when he boasted with the Babylonians about his wealth and possessions. In addition, his son Manasseh was born. Manasseh became the evil king later on, deeply involved with the occult, which caused severe punishment on the nation. Would Hezekiah have been better off if his life was not extended? Quite possibly, yes.

What are you begging God for today? Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the words in Psalm 46:10-11: “‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’ The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”

God is yesterday, today and forever the same. He is love and he wants what is best for your life. Therefore, do not try to kick a door open. Apart from hurting your foot, you might not even like what is waiting behind the door. Instead, rely on God. He knows the future and he will protect you, if you allow Him to. God bless.

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