Bible Society of South Africa
Benescke Janse van Rensburg

Live Happy … Today – Day 10

Bible text(s)

Matthew 17

20“It was because you haven't enough faith,” answered Jesus. “I assure you that if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this hill, ‘Go from here to there!’ and it will go. You could do anything!”

Matthew 17:20GNBOpen in Bible reader

[Background: God still does miracles today. Here are three readers’ testimonies that demonstrates this.]

Reader 1, Elton: “A few years ago, we were shocked to find out that our 1-year-old son, Joah, had a rare disease. This disease causes red blood cells to take on an unnatural shape and then, is demolished by the spleen. This caused his red blood cells to decrease while his spleen grew. We kept begging God for complete healing for our little boy. It was terrible to see him so sick. During this time, we prayed a lot and experienced God’s presence as he strengthened us.

Three months later, Joah underwent a blood transfusion and when we took him back to the doctor, they found that his red blood cells had a normal score! There are still signs of the disease, but it is much better! All glory to God for answering our prayers.”

Reader 2, Barbara: “My parents live on a farm in the Bethal area. One Sunday morning, a few years ago, a man came to their door asking for money. My father did not have money with him, but offered the man food. He went to the kitchen and when he returned to the front door, the man suddenly had a gun with him. He threatened my father and ordered him to lay down on his stomach. My father, however, turned onto his back and looked the attacker straight in his eyes. During this time, my mother watched everything from where she hid behind the grapevine. Laying on the ground with the gun pointed at him, my father kept praying for God’s protection. The attacker pulled the trigger a few times, but nothing happened. When he realised what was happening, the attacker ran away in fear.

My parents called for help and hours later, the attacker was arrested in the fields where he was firing at the police – with the same weapon he had pointed earlier at my dad. I thank God for being in their farm house that day, protecting my dad!”

Reader 3, Paula: “A few years ago, my husband had an affair with another woman. It was extremely traumatic for me and at one stage, I had an emotional breakdown and landed up in a clinic. Although we did not get a divorce, my husband did not wear his wedding ring any longer. He placed it in a holder in our home. Many a times, I wanted to melt it and do something else with the ring, but something prevented me from doing so. I find it extremely attractive when a man proudly wears his wedding ring.

After years of prayers, asking God to touch my husband in the way He wanted to and not just the way I wanted Him to, my husband decided to attend a men’s camp. I will never forget the Sunday when I got back from church, to see him for the first time after he returned from the camp. He had tears in his eyes when he hugged me and asked for his wedding ring. He wanted to wear it again.

I waited many years, but God finally answered my prayers. My husband gave his heart to God and truly started living for him. My kids have a new daddy and I am in love again. If you have a difficult marriage, never stop praying for your spouse. With God, anything is possible!”

Elton, Barbara and Paula are right. God still does miracles today. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’” Let us take our challenges to God and trust him to demonstrate his power to us. God bless.

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