I am She – Day 8

Sometimes She Suffers.
She notices that things do not always go quite the way that she would like. Sometimes she gets terribly hurt when others step on her, abuse her, or when things simply do not work out as she had hoped. Sometimes she battles to let go of things in her past, but at other times, she manages to talk to God about her suffering and to confront her pain. Then she discovers that she can start anew, in spite of all that happened in her past.
And you discover: I am She!
Bible text(s)
Mark 5
Matthew 25
Genesis 30
Genesis 26
Esau's Foreign Wives
Genesis 27
Isaac Sends Jacob to Laban
Luke 7
Deuteronomy 22
2 Samuel 13
Judges 19
Genesis 25
Hebrews 11
Psalms 126
She suffers from an incurable disease She feels desperate about her childlessness She suffers because of her child’s bad choices She grapples with her unhappy past She has been raped She is the victim of violence She talks to God about her suffering She knows she can start anew, in spite of her past She knows that things will go well again