I am She – Day 1

She Lives in Relationship with God.
This is the most important dimension of womanhood. She lives in a unique faith relationship with God. She really loves the Lord and seeks his will for her life. However, she sometimes strays.
And you discover: I am She!
Bible text(s)
Mark 12
The Widow's Offering
Psalms 1
Psalms 1—41
True Happiness
1 Samuel 1
Hannah and Eli
Luke 10
Jesus Visits Martha and Mary
Luke 1
The Birth of Jesus is Announced
Luke 2
Exodus 15
Mark 5
Matthew 6
Genesis 3
Human Disobedience
Genesis 16
Luke 7
John 11
She loves the Lord very deeply; He is at the centre of her life She studies the word She is serious about prayer She sits at the feet of the Lord to listen She submits to God’s will for her life She dedicates her life to the Lord She serves the Lord with gladness She looks to Jesus for strength She leaves her worries with the Lord Sometimes she stumbles She comes to the Lord and experiences his forgiveness She lives in hope for the future