Bible Society of South Africa
Riélle Heine

God of love, hope, grace and peace – Day 9

Who is God? (i)

Bible text(s)

Job 36

26We cannot fully know his greatness

or count the number of his years.

From the first chapter to the last, the Bible describes God’s omnipotence. God’s greatness as creator, sustainer, ruler, philosopher, physician, saviour and leader is discussed and sung by many writers and poets, and yet, it still feels like there are no words to adequately describe his Being.

The brilliant human brain, which has made it possible for people to land on the moon, keep 650-tonne aircraft in the air and split atoms, stands silent before God’s greatness. There are libraries filled with centuries of writings, images and artworks that try to honour the glory of God, but they only manage to dimly illuminate only certain attributes of God.

In the 11th century, Archbishop Anselm of Canterbury said that God is the being to whom absolutely nothing or no one can be even remotely compared.

Isak de Villiers, writing originally in Afrikaans, said: [free translation by me]

Will I ever be able to know You?
Will I be able to think – and know?
To touch – and know?
To feel – and know?
Or be able to compare You over and over
to something different,
but more or less like You,
which I will be able to comprehend?
Nothing is like You.

This wonderful God is my Creator and my Saviour. Will I not take the time, frequently, to be still and worship God in awe?!

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