In Christ, I am now truly free! – 3 October 2022

By Ewald Schmidt

(Di)temana ya Bibele


Go phela ka maatla a Moya wa Modimo

1Ge go le bjalo, bao ba phelago ba le ba tee le Kriste Jesu ba ka se lahlwe.

BAROMA 8:1NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

God has created us to be free and to live without feelings of guilt or regret. However, terms and conditions apply. This month, we are going on a journey through one of the epic chapters of scripture, to discover the new life that God has in store for us through his Spirit.

This powerful chapter of Romans 8 begins with the promise of freedom and a new life in relationship with God. This promise is for those who are “in Christ Jesus”. The apostle Paul loves this term, he used it 164 times in his letters in the Bible. Someone who is “in Christ Jesus” is someone who has committed his or her life to the rule of Christ as Lord. We have discovered that we were not able to save ourselves. We heard his knock on the door of our hearts. (Revelation 3:20) We have opened that door, Christ has entered to be our King and Lord, and that has changed everything in our lives.

When we know and follow Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, this verse applies to us. We do not stand under the condemnation of God any longer. Our Lord Jesus has paid the price of our inequities in full. He obtained a new life for everyone who believes in him, through his sacrifice on the cross. We have received this new life by faith, with gratitude. The promise of this verse is that we are free in Christ. There is no condemnation waiting for us at the throne of God on judgement day. We do not have to wait with abated breath to discern our eternal future! He has come to set us free, so that we can live a life of abundant grace in the sight of God. We do not have to fear his judgement anymore! Yes, our journey through life is not promised to be easy. We will see that trials and tribulations may be waiting for us. However, the promise of God is that he will be with us, until we are united with him at his throne.

If there is no condemnation for us in Christ, why do we still carry heavy burdens of guilt in our lives? When we heard the voice of Jesus, inviting us to follow him, he invited us to come as we are, with our sin and our brokenness. He came to this world to take our burdens upon himself, taking it to the cross. He came to set us free. When we are reminded of sin or brokenness in our lives, take it to him in prayer. Confess what needs to be confessed, share your brokenness in prayer with him. He wants to set you free, without any condemnation. Accept his peace today!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I was trapped in sin; I was scarred and broken by my journey through life without you. However, you have seen me through eyes of love. You came to this world to die for me, so that I may live for you. Thank you for my new life in Christ. Thank you that there is no condemnation waiting for me for evermore! Amen

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