Faith like refined gold – 5 April 2022

By Ewald Schmidt

(Di)temana ya Bibele


4bohwa bjo le lena Modimo a le beetšego bjona legodimong. Ke bjo bo sa bolego, bjo bo se nago bosodi, le gona bo sa hwelelego. 5Ke bja lena bao ka maatla a Modimo le lotwago ka tumelo, gore le tle le fihlele phološo ye e tlilogo utollwa mafelelong a nako.

6Thabelang seo, le ge e le gore gabjale le tlemegile go nyama ka lebaka la meleko ya mehutahuta ye e le tlelago. 7Meleko yeo e le tlela gore Modimo a bone ge eba tumelo ya lena ke ya nnete. Ešita le gauta, yona e kgonago go senyega, e lekwa ka mollo; bjale ge, le tumelo ya lena, yona e lego bohlokwa kudu go feta gauta, e swanetše go lekwa. Ge e le ya nnete le tla retwa, la tumišwa, la ba la hlompšha mohla Jesu Kriste a etla.

1 PETROSE 1:4-7NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

The American singer Nightbirde had captured the hearts of millions of people for her gutsy performance on the America’s Got Talent show in 2021. She lived her dream, despite being given less than 2% chance of survival due to cancer. Her song, “It’s Ok”, and her testimony revealed God’s goodness in spite of all the negative things that we might experience. She died on 20 February 2022. But her faith, in spite of her suffering, touched millions of hearts across the globe.

Peter wants to encourage us in difficult times. Our future is safe in God’s hands. The power of the Almighty God will bring his children safely to the destination prepared for us. This is the song in our hearts – God is with us on the way to a better future. This gives me strength to endure, even if today is difficult. It gives us joy in life – that is what “greatly rejoice” means.

In this life, we endure trials. It may be difficult circumstances, things happening that are beyond our control. There are things in life that we cannot sort out by ourselves. But in this verse, Peter reminds us that our faith is worth more than gold. This image is helpful. We find gold in our country as part of gold-bearing ore reefs. It is embedded in rock. And the ore must be extracted from the ground, and the ore pulverised into a fine powder. The gold dust is then dissolved in a cyanide solution, and then it is put through the refining fire, to melt away all impurities to arrive at pure 24 carat gold. Our faith is also put through the refining fire of life, to burn away all impurities.

We do not like the idea of suffering as refining in our lives. No one chooses the way of suffering for themselves, we will do nearly anything to sidestep it. But in times of unavoidable suffering, Peter wants to help us to remain focused – to keep the faith. When we are going through the fire of life, God is always near. He even uses the bad times and things to refine our faith, so that it may be worthy of praise, glory and honour when Jesus returns.

We are precious in God’s eyes, more than silver or gold. No trials or suffering will be able to snatch us out of his hands. It remains our challenge to trust in the Lord, that suffering may refine our faith, and that we may exit these times of trial stronger than we were before.

Prayer: Lord, sometimes I experience my journey of life as hard, nearly too much for me to handle. But thank you that you are in control, and I am safe in your hands. Strengthen me and help me to trust in you, when I go through the refining fire of life, to your glory. Amen

Bible Society of South Africav.4.29.1